Oak Knoll Cemetery, Pages 1-5

This is a copy of a document made by the DAR in 1934.
Lent by Mrs. Harry Drury of Walnut Creek.
Copied by J. N., March 1963.
Recopied and added to by Beverly Ales, October 1987.

"Cemetery Near the Burned Winery about a mile from Livermore on the road to Pleasanton."

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    Alonzo Abbey
    born Aug 2 1837 in Marselus, New York (possibly Marcellus)
    died Mar 18 1879

    Narcissa wife of John Arnett
    died Jan 30 1877, aged 40 yrs

        "Dear Husband and Children, do not mourn
        for I have gone to my long home,
        Prepare for death, do not delay
        Short time on earth yours to stay."

    William Bell
    died May 3 1876, age 46 yrs

    Lillie daugher of Jacob H. and Johanna Brackett
    died Aug 14 1881, age 10 yrs 9 mos 2 dys
    (on reverse side)
    Lillie Brackett

        "Over the river the Boatman pale
        Has carried our darling, our household pet
        Her golden curls lie on her forehead pale
        Darling Lillie - we see her yet."

    Maud A. daughter of C. W. & H. M. Bradshaw
    died Jan 16 1876, age 1 yr 7 mos 14 dys

        "We miss thee at home."

    Haven S. Bragdon
    died Mar 28 1878, aged 21 yrs

    Sarah, wife of William Brooks
    died May 5, 1872, age 56 yrs 8 mos 20 dys
    (Near this grave is a small
    marker with the initials P.S.C.)

    James Bunnell
    (Headstone dismantled and inscription, if any, on reverse side 
    born Jun 10 1833 (added from 1962 Swent observations)
    died Nov 19 1880 (added from 1962 Swent observations)

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    (This was one of three wooden markers in the same plot.  The rest 
        were indecipherable.)

    (These initials were on a small marker near the grave of Sarah 

    (This was the only inscription on the headstone of a grave near no 
        other plot.  The footstone had the initials I.C.)

    Louise Classen
    born May 21 1851 in Zurich, Switzerland
    died Dec 30 1881

    Peter S. Classen
    born Nov 20 1881
    died Feb 4, 1882

        "Gone but not forgotten."

    died Oct 20 1879
    (on reverse side)
    Louise S. Classen
    born Oct 14 1880
    died Jan 17 1881
    (Footstone L.S.C.)

    William Cobb (obverse)

        "What sad emotions fill my mind, 
        As o'er the grave I bend,
        Where sleeps a husband true and kind,
        My dearest earthly friend."

    William Cobb (reverse)
    died Feb 11 1881, age 49 yrs

        "United above, divided below."
        (Symbol--open hand and chain clasp.)

Caughall (possibly Coughall)

    William A. son of R. N & R. M. Caughall
    died Sep 8 1873, aged 14 dys

        "Gone but not forgotten."

    Robert C. son of R. N & R. M. Caughall
    died Sep 28 1875, aged 11 mos 9 dys

        "Gone but not forgotten."

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    Minnie Donahue
    died Jan 21 1895, age 22 yrs 5 mo 21 dys

        "Heaven retaineth now our treasure
        Earth the lonely casket keeps
        And the sunbeams love to linger
        Where our sainted darling sleeps."

    Mark Elliott
    born Apr 30 1826 in Belmont County Ohio
    died Dec 7 1884
    A pioneer of 1850

    Martha E. wife of Mark Elliott
    born Sep 15 1828 in Syracuse New York

    Sacred to the Memory of: Freedom Gilson
    died Sep 15 1881, age 77 yrs 10 mos 12 dys
    A native of Vermont

        "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord."

    Mary Emma daughter of Freedom and Mary E. Gilson
    died Feb

    Joel Harlan
    died Mar 28 1875, age 46 yrs 6 mos
    A pioneer of '46

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    Horace E. Harlan
    born Feb 22 1859 (1962 Swent observations 1869)
    died Mar 15 1887

    Minerva Fowler Harlan
    (The first three names of the Harlan family are on the same stone, 
        the others are on separate stones.)

    George Harlan
    died Jul 9 (?) 1850, age 48 yrs
    A native of Michigan emigrated to California 1846

    Elizabeth, wife of George Harlan
    died Oct 6 1846, age 44 yrs

    died Jun 21 1897

    Henry L. Harlan

    Minerva Flowler Harlan
    born Mar 8 1833
    died Mar 24 1915



    Anna E.
    born Nov 8 1853
    died Jul 10 1859

    Fordyce H. 
    died Oct 28 1890 (added from 1962 Swent observations)

    Chapman Hayner 1873-1876
    (This grave is in the same plot as that of Hannah S. Haug.)

    Hannah S. Haug
    born Jan 19 1801 in Cornwall Connecticut 
    died Sep 9 1878

        "Our Christian Mother"

    There are four unmarked graves in this same plot.

    Josephine Higuera daugher of Charles & -ugren- (?) Higuera
    died May 20 1881, age 1 yr 10 mos 3 dys

    Gaudalupe Higuera (possibly should be Guadalupe)
    Fallicio il ano de 1881, a -- anis - 7 dies
      6 dies de ----
    Another headboard in the same plot is quite indecipherable.

    John Jackson
    born Sep 17 1810 in Yorkshire England
    died Oct 7 1885, age 75 yrs

    (A reclining statue of a baby.)

    died Sep 26 1865, age 4 yrs 8 dys

    Stones with "Father and Mother" in the same plot.

    S. M. A. Jackson (added from 1962 Swent observations)
    died Jan 13 1898 age 76 yrs

    Gesine daughter of Gussa(?) Gesine Jahnigen
    born Jan 27 1882
    died Mar 14 1882

        "Gone but not forgotten."

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    David Jenkins
    born Aug 11 1854 (Apr 1962 Swent observations)
    died Aug 5 1876

        "Canys byw imi yw
        Crist a marolol (marwdd?) elw."
        Christ a marw sydd elw."

    (This stone made by Excelsior Marble Co., San Jose, California: 
        1962 Swent observations)


    Hermann, son of Jacob & Katie Johnson
    died Oct 14 1875, age 3 mos 4 dys
    "Gone but not forgotten."

    Mathilda daugher of Jacob & Katie Johnson
    died Jan 17 1877, age 6 mos 11 dys
    "Gone but not forgotten."

    Bertha Lena Maria daugher of Jacob & Katie Johnson
    died Dec 25 1879, age 2 yrs 2 mos 13 dys

    Lena wife of Nicolaus Johnson
    died Nov 4 1884, age 69 yrs 6 mos
    Native of Germany
    "Gone but not forgotten."
    (On the obverse) "Mother"

    Frederick son of S. V. R. & A. L. Johnson
    died Feb 5 1876, age 10 mos 10 dys
    (Footstone with F.J.)

    Mrs. Sara B. Johnson
    born Jan 29 1837 in Maine
    died Oct 6 1876
    (Footstone with S.B.J.)

        "May we meet in Heaven."

M.   (Wooden stake with this letter, near no other graves.)

    Robert McReynlds
    died Oct 20 1880, age 46 yrs 7 mos

    William Mendenhall
    died Jan 12 1873, age 78 yrs 11 mos 23 dys

    Josie M daugher of M. & M. D. Mendenhall
    died Oct 1 1874, age 2 mos 14 dys

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