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Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society

Catalog of the Genealogy Pamphlet File #2

As of March 24, 2003

Compiled by Lois Barber, Caroline Foote, Frank Geasa, Mary Maenchen, Vicki Renz and Del Warren. George Anderson, Editor

The pamphlet file is housed in the Pleasanton Library, 400 Old Bernal Avenue, Pleasanton, CA 94566

Folder/ Item Title Locality Keywords Pages
48.598 Obituary: Donald C. Fazio (page 352)   clipping, Obituary, Fazio  
48.599 Obituary: Willis Franklin Wolcott (page 353)   clipping, Obituary, Wolcott  
49.600 Tracing the Women in Your Family: Twenty Methods   How to, Research, Vital Statistics, Sources, Women, Publications 10
49.601 Maps Can Help You Trace Your Family Tree   Maps, How to, Sources, Hints, Publications 12
49.602 Suggestions for Beginners in Genealogy   Sources, Techniques, Records, Publications 2
49.603 Tips for Transcribing Records   How to, Alphabets, Handwriting 2
49.604 A Primer of Community Resources   Records, Publications, Histories, Maps, Sources, Research 2
49.605 Focus on Family Heritage Seminar: How and Where Do I Start?   LDS, Techniques, Sources, Research, Forms, Checklist 6
49.606 Focus on Family Heritage Seminar: Effective Interviews   LDS, Interviews, Techniques, Samples, Research 2
49.607 The Inevitable Laws of Genealogy   Humor, Research, Anecdotes 1
49.608 Genealogy: The Search for A Personal Past   Records, Sources, Research, Genealogy 7
49.609 Genealogical Society of Stanislaus County Newsletter: Alphabet Soup   Acronyms, Initials, Research, Abbreviations 4
49.610 Research Aids: Indexes and Their Uses   Indexes, Resources, Library 2
49.611 Special Collections   Research, Libraries, Sources, Collections 2
49.612 Your Right to Federal Records: Questions and Answers on the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act   Public Information, Records, Procedures, Requests, Sources, Government 25
49.613 Focus on Family Heritage Seminar: What's in a Name?   LDS, Techniques, Surnames, Origin, Traditions, Publications 3
49.614 Research Aids: "Where?" Check List   Sources, Abbreviations, Research, Records 2
49.615 Genealogical Research: How to Begin   Sources, Research, Records, Publications 2
49.616 Genealogical Research, a Basic Guide, Leaflet 14   Sources, Research, Records, Forms, Publications, Techniques 5
49.617 Focus on Family Heritage Seminar: Working with Calendar Dates and Feast Days   LDS, Calendars, History, Feast Days, Dates, Years 10
49.618 What Your Family Health Tree Can Tell You   History, Diseases, Illness, Health, Genetic 1
49.619 Genealogy: A Comprehensive List of Materials   Bibliography, Periodicals, Sources, Microfilm, States, Countries 30
49.620 American Genealogical Lending Library Membership Q & A   Membership 2
49.621 Creating a Worthwhile Family Genealogy   Types, Preparation, Genealogies, How to, Techniques, Research 20
49.622 Genealogy, Handmaid of History   History, Genealogy, Research 9
49.623 Developing and Using the A+B+C+ Traveling Research Workbook   Notebook, Research, Organization, Documentation, Techniques 1
49.624 Planning a Library Research Trip   Libraries, Research, Techniques, Organization, Documentation 1
49.625 Jewish Genealogy (W10) Jewish Genealogy: An Annotated Bibliography   Bibliography, Publications, Research, Records, Jews, Sources 8
49.626 Americans of Jewish Descent   Jewish, History, Bibliography, Naming, Migration 10
49.627 Family OrganizationsNewspaper Article - Nostalgic Journey to Land of Roots   Puritans, Wolcott, Mary and John, Massachusetts 1
49.628 Krefeld Immigrants and Their Descendants   Krefeld, History, Publication, German, Mennonites 1
49.629 Genealogical Instruction Manual: Family Organizations   Family Organizations, Techniques, Types, Organizing, Procedures, LDS 20
49.630 Newspaper Article - Joseph Disease: This fight brings the family together   Joseph Disease, Joseph, Portuguese, Illnesses, Silva, Family Diseases 2
49.631 Joseph Disease is a Genetic Motor System Disease   Joseph Disease, Portuguese, Joseph, Heredity, Family Diseases, Massachusetts 3
49.632 Adoptions (W10)How to Conduct an Adoption Search   Research, Sources, Techniques, Publications, Organizations, Adoption 2
49.633 Dishonesty or Discretion: values in Conflict   Adoptions, Illegitimacies, Ethics, Honesty, Facts 2
49.634 International Soundex Reunion Registry   Adoption, Research, Organizations, Reunion Registry, Birth Parents 2
50.635 How to Tracer Your Ancestors in Norway Norway Scandinavia, Norway, sources, addresses 18
50.636 Printed Sources, A Guide to Published Genealogical Records   Meyerink_Kory, sources, maps, geography, atlases, gazetteers 100
50.637 British columbia, Canada Canada British Columbia, Canada, Vancouver, Victoria, Myers_Wilma 8
50.638 Using Funeral Home Records in Genealogy   mortuaries, funeral homes, deaths, obituaries 15
51.639 L-AGS Study Group   writing autobiographies, American history, passports 27
51.640 Designing Your Own Web Page (L-AGS Computer Group )   basics of web design, web sites 37
52.641 A Genealogist's Guide to Documentary Editing   Documents, Transcript, Publish 4
52.642 How to Conduct an Oral History   Interview, Tape, Release Agreemement 17
52.643 Wanting to go to Salt Lake City, but Can't: Tips For Genealogical Research Without Going to the Family History Library   Preparation, Web Sites 5
52.644 German Research......Finding the Church Records   German Language 5
52.645 Newspaper Reference Works   Sources, Title Deeds 9
52.646 Finding Your Female Ancestor   Naming Practices, Nationality, Reunions, Journals, Maiden Names 95
52.647 Creating Family Newsletters   123 Ideas, Writing Tools, Newsletter Names, Resources 29
52.648 Using Census Records   Web Sites, Soundex, Blank Forms 80
52.649 Creating Your Own Web Page   Free Web Space, HTML, Guidelines, Standards 17
53.650 Using Newspapers for Genealogy Research   Obituaries, Marriage Notices, Vital Statistics, Advertisements 28
53.651 Trace Your Family (health) Tree   Genes, Genogram, Ethnic Diseases 31
53.652 Creating Family Newsletters   Writing Tools, Template, Photography, Printing 30
53.653 How To Cite Sources   Format, Evidence, Proof 29
53.654 The American Civil War   Confederate, Union, Regiment, Pensions, Bounty 26
53.655 Numbering Systems Organizing Documenting   Numbering Systems, Ahnentafel, Citations, Forms 46
53.656 National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections   Cataloging, Repositories, Searching 26
53.657 Printed Sources   Maps, Atlases, Gazetteers, Postal Guides, Soundex Abbreviations, Census 67
53.658 Finding Your Ancestors In The 1930 Federal Census   Information Content, Preparation 2
53.659 Creating a Video Documentary to Tell a Family Story   Purpose, Information, Equipment, Techniques, Results 1
53.660 Brick Wall Solutions   Searching, Message Board, Collection of Solutions 25
53.661 Computer and Personal Security   Overview, Tradeoff, Terminology, Firewalls 6
53.662 Little-known Records: Defective, Dependent and Delinquent Classes in the 1880 Census   Insane, Deaf, Blind, Homeless, Availability Table 20
53.663 Using US Customs Service Records for Genealogy   Port of Entry, Vessels, Smuggling 86
53.664 Program Notes from the Livermore-Amador Genealogy Society Computer Interest Group Meeting   Identity Theft, Multiple Identities, Protection, Resources 18
53.665 Military Records   Cemetery, Pension, Land Warrant 15
53.666 Creating a Children's Book Using Microsoft Publisher   Text, Picture, WordArt, Table 14
53.667 The Farm With No Chickens   Book Sample 15
53.668 Talk to "The Genesis Club"   Who, What, When, Where, Why, How 6
53.669 Fiche to CDs to Internet Quo Vadis, Salt Lake?   Family History Center, Hours, Equipment, Tapes, Film 6
53.670 ABC's of Genealogical Parenting   Memories 4
53.671 Ten Ways Junior Genealogists Can Connect With Ancestors   Ideas 1
54.672 Creating an Effective Query - Study Group June 2001   queries, surnames, online forums 30
54.673 Deciphering Old Handwriting - Study Group March 2001   handwriting, paleography, Gothic 100
54.674 Palm-top Computers for Genealogy - Study Group August 2000   computers, My Roots 15