Note: The Web version of this issue of The Roots Tracer contains all of the words and all of the non-decorative graphics of the original paper version, but does not preserve the original typographical formatting.
THE LIVERMORE ROOTS TRACER I N D E X Vol XII FALL 1992 No 1 Letters from Jolene and David - 367 Profile: David ABRAHAMS - 368 Volunteers needed: CGS - 369 Bookshelf - 370 Great Register, 1896 Alameda County - 375 New Members - 378 St. Raymonds, the oldest Catholic church in Alameda County - 379 Social Security research help - 380 History of San Francisco cemeteries - 382 Josef FREITAS cemetery plot - 384 Query Page - 385 VOLUME X11 FALL 1992 NUMBER 1 Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society PO Box 901, Livermore, California 94551
LIVERMORE-AMADOR GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. 0. Box 901, Livermore, CA 94551 President David ABRAHAMS 510-447-9386 1st VP and Membership Virginia MOORE 510-447-8316 2nd VP and Programs Jolene ABRAHAMS 510-447-9386 Recording Secretary John WALDEN 510-443-2057 Corresponding Secretary Dixie NEWBURY 510-447-1868 Business Manager Clarence PARKISON 510-449-8656 Publications Chairman George ANDERSON 510-846-4265 Publicity (acting) Jolene ABRAHAMS 510-447-9386 Livermore Cultural Arts Council Rep Don JOHNSON 510- 447-4746 The Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society is exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section 501(c)(3) (literary and educational) of the Internal Revenue Code and California Taxation Code 237020. The Roots Tracer is a quarterly publication with articles of interest to the genealogist. Members are encouraged to submit their "Profiles" as well as articles of general interest. Queries are free to members, $1.00 to non-members. The deadline for each quarterly is the 15th of June, September, December, and March. Send to: Roots Tracer, P. 0. Box 901, Livermore, CA 94551 Any book presented to the Society will be reviewed in the quarterly along with the purchase price and address of the publisher. Our Library is located in the Pleasanton Public Library building, 400 Old Bernal Ave., Pleasanton, CA. Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday, monthly, at Congregation Beth Emek, 1866 College Ave., Livermore, CA. Membership in LAGS is open to any individual, library, or society. Our fiscal year is September 1 through August 31. Membership includes a subscription to the quarterly Roots Tracer. Publications: Surname Index (1988) Members $2.50 Non-members $6.00 Livermore Cemeteries (1988) $16 postage paid Pleasanton, Dublin Cemeteries (1990) $14.00 postage paid The Bookshelf (1992) $3.00 postage paid Send check or money order to: Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society, P. 0. Box 901, Livermore, CA 94551
MESSAGES MESSAGES MESSAGES FROM THE RETIRING PRESIDENT Gee, is my time up already? My term as your President has gone by fast. My wish is that you have learned at least one thing from one member that has helped you in your genealogy search. I can't begin to list all the things I have learned from all of you. I thank all of you who served as an officer or chairman or volunteer for our projects. You are the backbone of this group. I thank all the members who have attended meetings, contributed information, asked questions, and most of all, helped me to enjoy these past two years. I encourage everyone to help share the load and to volunteer when and where needed. After all - it is your club. Your Retiring President, Jolene Abrahams
FROM THE INCOMING PRESIDENT Thank you for electing me to the office of President of the Livermore Amador Genealogical Society. I shall try to follow in the footsteps of the out-going (in more ways than one) President, who is also my wife! Jolene and her Board have made the past two years a pleasure. Many active new members have been added to our roster. We have had some wonderful programs - provided by our Program Chair Harriet Anderson. Coincidentally, Harriet's husband George has done a great job of Publicity. I know that our new Board will be successful in the coming year. Long- time member Virginia Moore is the incoming First Vice-President. Since I have to travel quite a bit, I'm sure she will do an outstanding job of substituting for me; Jolene Abrahams, as Second Vice-President, has some exciting programs planned; John Walden will be our new Recording Secretary; Dixie Newbury will take over the office of Corresponding Secretary (while continuing to serve as the Roots Trace editor); Clarence Parkison will continue as Business Manager (Treasurer). During my term I would like to encourage all of our members submit Meet the Members sheets so that they can be published in the Roots Tracer. I would also encourage all of our members - new and old - to GET INVOLVED with the Society - it is YOUR club. Join us and share your finds and your questions with us at meetings. Your Incoming President, David Abrahams
California Genealogical Society 300 BRANNAN STREET, SUITE 409, SAN FRANCISCO, CA (415)777-9936 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 77105, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107-0105 September 15, 1992 Dear Society President: As you know, The California Genealogical Alliance has asked the genealogical societies in California to help index the 1890 Voters' Registers for their various counties to help replace the 1890 Census. The California Genealogical Society is planning to index the San Francisco County Great Register, and since San Francisco was one of the largest counties in 1890, we know we'll need help. I understand there are 70 rolls of microfilm for the county! Therefore, we are asking societies in the Bay Area to request volunteers to help on this mammoth project. The indexing will be done at the CGS Library, 300 Brannan Street (at the corner of 2nd St.) in San Francisco. It is open Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. They will have a computer set up next to a microfilm reader so that the keyboard can be used in front of the film reader. Volunteers for the indexing should be typists. However, proofreaders will also be needed, and that can be done at home. A map and directions for taking public transportation are enclosed so that copies may be made for volunteers. I agreed to coordinate the San Francisco project because I feel that genealogical societies should be involved in works of this type. I am also enclosing a sign-up sheet for your meetings and would appreciate it if you would put a notice in your newsletter about this. The news item should say that volunteers may call the CGS Library during the hours they are open to volunteer, (415) 777-9936. 1 am enclosing an SASE for the sign-up sheet. Please mention this at as many meetings as possible and return the sign-up sheet to me by December 1. All societies that furnish volunteers will be included in the credits. We hope that some of your members will want to help index the 1890 San Francisco County Voter Register. Sincerely, Jane Steiner P.S. My phone number is (510) 283-0867.
The Bookshelf Seven new additions to the LAGS Library are described briefly in this issue. The small etchings between reviews are furbelows from "The History of Mendocino County, California." ******************** History of Mendocino County, California. First published in 1880 by Alley, Bowen and Co. Reprinted in 1967 by the Mendocino County Historical Society. 799 pages, of which 123 are for addenda added in 1967; 6 x 9 inches, hard cover, 410 biographies, 67 portraits. Donated to the LAGS Library by Phyllis Houlding. Mendocino to us brings to mind wild and beautiful coastlines, redwoods, the Skunk Train, counter-culture, and "Murder She Wrote" in Cabot Cove. To the residents of that area in 1880 the coast meant not beauty but money, as witnessed in the introduction to this history: "[The county] has about one hundred miles of coast line, along which there are a host of bights, bays and landings which add much to the prosperity of the section, as they afford ample opportunity for exporting all the products of that portion of the county." History of Mendocino County, California is a hefty book, over two inches thick. I agree with the modern reprinters of this book that it, "like others of its type which flourished in the American West in the late 1800s, has often been dismissed by historians as a 'Mug Book,' - and yet the years have proven the value of such books in the preservation of information and data that would otherwise have been totally lost." Even if you are skeptical of every word in the puffed-up biographies, you may find in them important clues to lead you back further in time. Many historical societies have sponsored the reprinting of old county histories, but few have added such an extensive update as in this one. On the other hand, many reprints have an added every-name index to the whole book - this one unfortunately lacks an index to either the old or the new parts. The first of the biographies added during the reprinting describes its subject as follows: "He was soft spoken, of few, but powerful words, pleasing in manner, gracious in hospitality, and with all, a true gentleman." What was the man's name? George Anderson, of course! ******************** Texas State Library Circulating Genealogy Duplicates List. 1992. Published by, and donated to LAGS by, the Texas State Library, Austin, TX. 92 pages, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, soft cover. Approximately 1400 genealogy books and films available on interlibrary loan from the Texas State Library. Texas is heavily favored, of course, but many of the titles in this list are from elsewhere. LAGS members wishing to order from this list must go through a public library having interlibrary loan privileges. ******************** Vital Records of Rye, New Hampshire: A Transcript of the Births, Baptisms, Marriages, and Deaths in this town to the year 1890. 1992. By Kathleen E. Hosier. Published by Heritage Books, Inc., 1540-E Pointer Ridge Place, Bowie, MD 20176. 335+vi pages, 5 x 8 inches, soft cover, self-indexed. $25. Donated to LAGS by the publisher. Rye, New Hampshire, as it is now known, was first settled in 1635. It was originally part of Portsmouth, New Castle and Hampton, New Hampshire, but was separated in 1726. Records in this compilation start in 1720. They have been assembled from civil, private and church documents. The most interesting section of this book is the reconstituted census of 1790. Up through 1840, the federal censuses recorded personal names only for heads of households - other family members were listed only by age bracket and sex. Ms. Hosier has taken that minimum information for Rye and, using all of the data she has compiled from other sources, developed a complete full-name inventory of all residents in 1790. The synthesized census includes places of birth and baptism, dates, spouses' names, parents' names, list of children's names and their birth dates, ages, and status. ******************** Grier of San Francisco, Builder in the West and his Family, 1878-1988. 1989. By William M. Grier, Jr. Published by Grier & Company, Suite 300, 825 E. Speer Blvd., Denver, CO 80218. 320 + xxxi pages, 6 x 9 inches, hard cover, photos, pedigree charts, index. Price not given. Donated to LAGS by the author. William Milton Grier, Sr. really was a builder, as the title of this book states. He was a construction entrepreneur during the boom days of west coast growth before the depression. Then he came down with the crash of 1929, which ruined his health as well as his fortune. His son has published this handsome, well-written, well-documented book in his memory. Also in the book, and actually occupying more than half of it, are biographies and genealogies of dozens of the author's relatives, blood and in-law, and an extensive autobiography. The chances of finding anything of value for your own genealogy in a family history chosen at random are pretty slim. That is why the LAGS Library does not purchase family histories. However, there is much of non-genealogical interest in Grier of San Francisco for LAGS members, since the prime locale involved is our own Bay Area. Even closer to home, it turns out, is Grier's connection to Pleasanton; in the early 1900s he became friends with Phoebe Apperson Hearst, and often visited her estate, "Hacienda del Pozo de Verona," at what is now Castlewood. Her friendship did not hurt his career. I did a double take when I scanned one of the pedigree charts in this book, and the name "Yoko Ono" jumped out at me. It turns out that the author is a second cousin of John Lennon, through their common great- grand-father, Thomas Patrick Lannon of Strokestown, Roscommon, Ireland. Roscommon was also the home turf of the Irish immigrants, Jeremiah Fallon and John Murray, who built St. Raymond's church in Dublin. William M. Grier Jr. is the founder and publisher of "Real Estate West," a trade newspaper for the real estate industry. This means he had all the expert help he needed in publishing this family history. Even if we don't consult the book as a genealogy source, or read it as interesting biography, we can use it as a fine model when we prepare to publish our own genealogies. ******************** Family Bible Records from Illinois, Volume I. 1990. Compiled by the Illinois State Genealogical Society, Springfield. 120 pages, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, soft cover, full name index. Donated to the LAGS Library by Shirley Terry. A Family Bible is the buried treasure we all hope to find some day in a relative's attic. There's something so authentic-seeming about inscriptions in a Bible, and something so evocative of "family values" (that modern buzz phrase), that you can almost see the Norman Rockwell painting of the young couple and their first-born sitting down to write their first entry in the sacred book. Even though Bible entries are sometimes incomplete and inaccurate, we may find them to be the only surviving evidence for some of our ancestral ties. The Illinois State Genealogical Society Family Bible Record Project as of 1990 had already collected over 400 records. This volume contains 204 transcribed records with over 5600 individuals' names. Each record is prefixed with a summary of locality information, the name of the submitter, and the name of the owner of the Bible. The Illinois State Archives and the LDS Library in Salt Lake have photocopies of the original inscriptions. The very first page of this book reprints the inscriptions in an Anderson Family Bible. And there I am again: George W. Anderson, born 5 Feb 1849, married Susan Goss 21 April 1877, and died 16 Nov 1908. I sure have been busy reincarnating! ******************** Ronald A. Bremer's Genealogical Research Seminar: a Transcript. 1984. Published by the San Antonio, Texas, Genealogical and Historical Society. 84 + v pages, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, soft cover, illustrated, indexed. $20. Donated to the LAGS Library by Shirley Terry. We got a sample of Ronald Bremer's bottomless barrel of genealogical facts at the LAGS meeting in July just a few months ago. In his own words, he is "leather-lunged" and by his own admission, he normally speaks at 190 words per minute with gusts to 250. Those who heard his talk in July will recognize much of the advice and many of the jokes in this book, transcribed from a seminar he gave eight years ago! We are lucky to have this transcript, because I was supposed to tape record his LAGS talk and I forgot the recorder. His Texas seminar was eight hours long, while ours was only two, so obviously there is a lot in this book that we didn't hear. I highly recommend this book, not because it is sound and systematic, which it is not, but because it is so full of surprising and memorable tips and is so entertaining that a lot of information sticks. A good book to pick up when you're bored! ******************** Stamp Out Chaos! Eliminate Confusion! Undated. By Vincent L. Jones. Published by Ron Bremer, Salt Lake City. 42 pages, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, soft cover. $10. Purchased by LAGS. The entire introduction to this small book reads: "This work is the result of a lecture given by Mr. Jones, who is the Dean of American Genealogists." It doesn't say who appointed him dean. But the book improves rapidly from that point, and in fact, turns into a valuable guide on how to get organized, or in other words, how to stamp out chaos and eliminate confusion. This book is as sound and systematic as Ron Bremer's is not. In fact, the last three pages are devoted to an outline of the material, in the form of imperatives, keyed to the page number in the narrative text. When I read this book I recognized how much time I could have saved over the past 20 years if I had used Mr. Jones's methods from the beginning. He recommends setting up five cross-referenced files: Research Log, Enclosure File, Work Sheets, Case History, and Research Outline. By working back and forth between these files as new information is added, the family history compiles itself in a form that is completely documented, easily retrievable, and well-preserved for posterity. Mr. Jones recommends that the basic objective of genealogical research be "To compile a complete, correct family group record for every marriage union of a pedigree ancestor." In contrast, he feels that "Many of us are oriented to doing research for individuals - pedigree research only. I do not believe this is genealogy." I found much good sense in this book. I felt a few daggers also. One of Mr. Jones's battle cries is "Down with spiral notebooks!" Harriet and I are up to number 49 in our spiral notebooks now, and I guess it's too late to start over. Maybe in my next incarnation!
Even in death you've got to keep up with the Joneses. Here are two tombstones side-by-side: HERE I LIE HERE I LIE SNUG AS A BUG SNUGGER THAN IN A RUG THAT OTHER BUGGER Excerpt from "Ronald A. Bremer's Genealogical Research Seminar: a Transcript"
RESEARCH HELP from our exchange newsletters and quarterlies The first ever source for Polish help has been established in Poland. Write to: Genealogical Documentary of Poznan, Poland Wodna 27, Plac Gorkow, 67-781 Posnan, Poland. For help on Armenian ancestry; Armenian Family Heritage Center c/o American-Armenian College, 6470 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, CA. California State Government no longer will answer requests for birth, marriage or death records for family history purposes. The county offices can usually supply this information. Masonic Connections is the source for information on ancestors who might have been associated with this organization. Write to the Grand Secretary, Box 4147, Springfield, IL 62708 Earmarks and cattle brands, used for identification when California was a territory can be found at the Contra Costa Records Office in Martinez. Family and social history in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland has never been easy to research. Now virtually every household in the last 200 years has been researched, and a research bank of over 17,500 family tree sheets has been acquired, together with details of many emigrant families in Canada, USA, etc. With this resource it is possible to chart families back to the generation born c1750-80, and frequently much farther. Useful data to assist in locating ancestors would include the island of origin, the place of original emigrant settlement, local census entries, family naming patterns, etc. It is important to note that access to this service is not free. Fees depend upon the amount of research required. Upon receipt of data, you will be advised on estimated fees. Do include International Postal Coupons (from the Post Office) with your request. Write to: Co Leis Thu, The Old Schoolhouse, Northton, Isle of Harris, Scotland PA85 31A. To help you "Find Your Indian Princess", Traces, Inc., P.O. Box 226B, Harrison, AR 72604 is offering a trip to AR, OK, and TX. The dates are October 26-29, Little Rock, AR, Talequah, OK, and Fort Worth, Texas. Admission to the Cherokee Cultural Center, research time at the Cherokee National Historical Society, full day of research at the Federal Records Center, Fort Worth, instructions by Native-American Research Specialists, complete ground transportation, 3 nights lodging, and some meals --- all based on double occupancy. Records for Sumner County, Tennessee have been found stored away in 265 boxes in two archives. They contained pre-civil war records dating back to 1742. They are being cataloged and indexed and will be made available for researching in Sumner County. Some of the records are Poll Tax books of 1816-22, listing every family in the above years, bills of sale for slaves from 1840-60, 800 original wills, census records for 1830, 40, 50, 70, and 80, court dockets, deeds, inventories and depositions. Surnames were not in use in Scandinavian countries until after 1900. Children were named using the system of patronymics, thus Hans, the son of Neils was Hans Neilson, but Hans' son Soren was Soren Hanson. Peder, the son of Soren would be Peder Sorenson. If there was more than one Peder Sorenson in the village, then, often the name of the farm he lived on would be added, such as, Peder Sorenson Soby (South Farm). Women added the name "datter" to her father's name, and did not change it at marriage. This system of naming is still used in Iceland.
[At this point, the printed copy of the Roots Tracer reproduces 4 1/4 pages from the "Great Register, Alameda County, Murray Township, Livermore Precinct No.1" from 1896. There are about 220 names with much data about the persons. For this online version of the Roots Tracer, the data could not be transcribed manually because the effort would have been too great, the pages could not be rendered by optical character recognition because the printing is too faint, and the pages could not be reproduced as images because the file size would be too large for our server. The reader is referred to the printed copy of the magazine for this data.]
THE BOOKSHELF The Bookshelf, LAGS catalog of The Gayle Pipes Memorial Library, has been updated and reprinted as of August, 1992. The books in the Library are located in the Pleasanton Public Library, 400 Old Bernal Ave., Pleasanton CA, on shelves dedicated to genealogy. A copy of The Bookshelf is distributed to all members as a membership benefit. It was made available at the September meeting to all attendees. If you were not able to attend the meeting, and would like a copy, please call Jolene Abrahams at 447-9386. Non-members may order The Bookshelf by mail by sending $3.00 to the Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society.
The oldest Catholic Church in Alameda County Old St. Raymond's Church is being restored by community.
GETTING SOCIAL SECURITY INFORMATION FOR GENEALOGICAL PURPOSES In general, information about a LIVING person MAY NOT be released to a third party unless the individual has signed a written authorization for release. The fact of an individual's death, date of death, and place of death or burial may be disclosed to anyone. Any other information, other than tax return information, in a DECEASED individual's record MAY BE DISCLOSED as long as any information in the record pertaining to other living individuals is deleted from the record prior to disclosure. The Tax Reform Act of 1976 prohibits disclosure of tax return information without the consent of the individual to whom the record pertains. This prohibition continues even after the death of the individual. Requests for tax return information for a deceased individual may be released to the legal representative of the estate; surviving relative (spouse, parent, child); or heir at law, next of kin, or beneficiary of the deceased. Proof of relationship must be provided. There are two types of SSN application extracts which can be furnished upon request. (1) A Numident printout (computer printed record) which contains all the information on the original application form except the address and signature of the applicant. (2) A microprint (print of the microfilmed application form). Either of these items may be furnished to anyone upon written request and confirmation of death where it is not detrimental to the estate and there is no invasion of privacy of a living person. There is no charge for this service. To request an extract: Call your local SSA office and request form SSA- L997, SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER RECORD THIRD PARTY REQUEST FOR EXTRACT OR PHOTOCOPY. (Note: see next page) The form does not provide a place to indicate which type of extract you want, so enter the following on the form: "Request Made Under the Freedom of Information Act, Microprint Required, Printout Not Sufficient." (This may result in your getting both.) Neither does the form include a place to indicate that you are requesting information on a deceased individual. It is wise to add a statement that the person is deceased. It will take from 4 to 8 weeks to receive a response. The information requested on the form is the same information a person provides when applying for a social security number. The Social Security Administration has two major files: numerical (by SSN) and alphabetical (by name). If you provide an SSN, the file will be compared with the information you provide. If the SSN is unknown, the name file is checked and the information you provide is compared with each person of that name. A score is assigned based on which information matches or how closely the information matches. For example, if the year of birth is within 5 years it will score lower than an exact match, but higher than if they were 10 years apart. Then possible SSNs will be identified based on the score. Someone must look at all the printouts for possible SSNs to determine if any is the one you requested. Obviously, the more information you provide, the better your chance of getting the information you want. After all, there have been about 320 million SSNs assigned since Social Security began in 1937, and about 500,000 new numbers are assigned each month. NOTE: Jeanne Tanghe provided this data to LAGS. She added that you should only send one request at a time. The reason is that the person on the receiving end may not want to tackle several requests! She also told me to indicate your relationship to this person. David Abrahams
SAN FRANCISCO CEMETERIES---BEFORE 1850 TO THE PRESENT Before 1850, vacant lots were used to bury bodies or they were often left on the beach or under a bush. 1850 The city designated fifteen acres one mile out on Market Street as the official cemetery and named it "Yerba Buena." This site was used for the next twenty years. 1852 An informal burial ground at Second and Market was closed and the bodies were moved to Yerba Buena. 1854 The growing city had reached Yerba Buena Cemetery, so Lone Mountain Cemetery was established a safe three miles from downtown. It was later renamed "Laurel Hill." 1860 Catholics established the Calvary Cemetery to the east of Lone Mountain. 1864 A Masonic Cemetery was established south of Lone Mountain. 1865 The Oddfellows established the cemetery to the west of Lone Mountain, thus, Lone Mountain was the center of four burial grounds and the area was called "The Big Four." About this time the Jewish congregation moved their burials from Cow Hollow to two cemeteries near Mission Dolores. 1868 The city purchased 200 acres for a new cemetery on the bluffs above Land's End. 1870 Three thousand bodies were removed from the Yerba Buena cemetery to the newly established Golden Gate Cemetery. At this time Market Street extended westward to the Yerba Buena site, and then on to the Big Four. During these years the Western Addition filled with Italian row houses and Laurel Hill was twice reduced for building sites. 1880 The city prohibited further burials in the Mission Dolores and Jewish cemeteries. 1887 The city of Colma, south of the city boundary, was chosen for a new Catholic cemetery and was named "Holy Cross." 1892 The nondenominational cemetery, Cypress Lawn, was developed by San Francisco business men at Colma. 1901 The city supervisors prohibited further burials in the city limits. 1909 City supervisors were granted permission to use Golden Gate Cemetery as a park. Mausoleums and tombstones were removed and disposed of down a convenient ravine at Land's End. Those bodies that were not removed were covered over and the area became the Lincoln Park Golf Course. 1914 All remaining burials were ordered out of the city. 1920's During this time the Masonic Cemetery was purchased as a site for the University of San Francisco --- the Oddfellows cemetery was vacated--Calvary and Laurel Hill overseers resisted, but with no income for upkeep, they both reverted to sand and scrub. The vaults were vandalized and the mausoleums were occupied by tramps. 1937 Again the city supervisors demanded that all bodies be removed and the decision was upheld by the voters. 1939 Exhumation was started but was stopped by WWII. 1948 By now the exhumation was completed. Records of the WPA show that Charles HARVEY, the contractor who built Candlestick Park, was paid 80 cents a ton to dispose walls, crypts and markers into the Bay. This area became the Marine Yacht Harbor jetty. Other broken tombstones were used for retaining walls in Buena Vista Park. Calvary Cemetery became the site of the Sears Building, Kaiser Hospital, and a housing development. Laurel Hill was replaced by more housing, a shopping center, and the Fireman's Fund Building. TODAY The small cemeteries at Mission Dolores and the Presidio are the only ones in the city. One and a half million San Franciscans are buried at Colma. A mass grave at Cypress Lawn contains 35,000 nameless pioneers removed from Laurel Hill. Levi STRAUSS is buried at the Home of Peace, Wyatt EARP at the Hills of Eternity, Emperor NORTON at Woodlawn Cemetery, and ISHI is at Olivet Cemetery. Colma contains eighteen cemeteries of many ethnic groups.
607 Diablo Road Danville, California 94526-2801 June 21, 1992 Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society P.O. Box 901 Livermore, California 94551 Ladies/Gentlemen: For some time I have been working on the births and deaths of my ancestors who are buried in the Freitas family plot (Section 8, Row 4E), St. Augustine's Cemetery, Pleasanton. I am sorry I didn't have this information for you when you published your Cemeteries of Pleasanton and Dublin in 1990. I have written St. Augustine's Church to advise them that I will be ordering a marker to be placed on the family plot showing the ten names and births and deaths as listed on the attached. Sincerely, Mildred E. Freitas
Buried in the family plot Josef Francisco Freitas, Sr. - September 15, 1849 - March 2, 1923 Mary Isabelle King Freitas, wife - November 22, 1860 - September 2, 1915 Annie Lemos King, Grandmother - March 1839 - March 8, 1912 Edward (Eddie) Freitas, son - March 14, 1902 - April 29, 1905 Manuel Joseph Freitas, son - July 20, 1881 - April 10, 1907 George Freitas, son - February 21, 1890 - April 3, 1919 Frank F. Freitas, son - April 9, 1884 - June 5, 1923 Antone Freitas, son - June 13, 1896 - August 11, 1942 Annie Regello Freitas, daughter in law - September 3, 1896 - March 31, 1914 Serafine Enos, family friend - April 1847 - September 28, 1919
QUERY PAGE MURRAY, NASH, BENSON, FOXWORTHY Michael MURRAY, b. ca. 1807, County Roscommon, Ireland and came to CA in 1846. On 26 February, 1850, Michael was married to Amelia A. NASH in San Francisco. They had three children: William, Daniel (bapt. 1853 Mission San Jose, died July 1876), and Michael. Amelia died 26 March 1862, Amador Valley, Alameda County, California. Michael married secondly, Catherine BENSON Thomas, was born October 1866. Would like to know where these family members are buried. Donald F. FOXWORTHY 510 Overbrook Road, Baltimore, MD 21212-2101 HAMILTON, LOPER, FISHBOUGH Searching for "roots" in Pennsylvania. David W. Hamilton age 36, and wife Polly M. (LOPER) HAMILTON were living in McIntyre township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania in the 1880 census. Their children were Ira J., age 17; Delmar H., age 15; William C., age 10; David E., age 8; George E., age 5; Gertrude, age 3; and twins Myrta and Bert, age 9 months. Who was David's father and where was he born? Harold FISHBOUGH, R.D. 1, Box 138, Gillett, PA 18925 CAMPIN/CAMPION, DUVINE, COATES, ZIOMEK Seek siblings/descendants of siblings of Edward CAMPIN/CAMPION born August 1875 in Chicago. Parents were Edward CAMPIN (born in England) and Alice DUVINE (born in NJ). Edward married Veronica COATES in 1906, died December 1942 in Chicago. I am Edward's gr-grandaughter. What happened to parents of Edward and Alice? Did they have other children? Felicia ZIOMEK, 7677 Valley Trails Dr., Pleasanton, CA, 94588-5223 PHILBRICK, KELSEY, WATERMAN, NEWBURY Would like to correspond with anyone with information on Samuel and Candace (KELSEY) (WATERMAN) PHILBRICK who were in Cattaragus County, New York when their son Franklin was born 20 Jan. 1825. They were later found in Lancaster, Grant County, Wisconsin where Samuel died in 1850. Ella L. Newbury, P.O. Box 443, Livermore, CA 94551-0443 David & Linda CURRY, 1159 Walnut St., Livermore CA 94550, are looking for CURRY: Blair and Bedford Co's., PA. MARKHAM: Santa Clara & Shasta Co's., CA. BENTON: Shasta Co., CA THOMPSON: Santa Clara & Shasta Co's., CA. McGILL: Indiana & Illinois
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