Note: The Web version of this issue of The Roots Tracer contains all of the words and all of the non-decorative graphics of the original paper version, but does not preserve the original typographical formatting.
ISSN0736-802X THE LIVERMORE ROOTS TRACER VOLUME XIII SPRING 1994 NUMBER 3 Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society PO Box 901, Livermore, California 94551
TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME XIII NUMBER 3 Editors' Notes 474 Calendar of Events 475 Addendum to "Cemeteries of Pleasanton and Dublin, California 475 Computer News 476 The Bookshelf 479 Genealogy and Your Vacation 481 Civil War Notes and Stories 482 From the Knoles Family Album 486 Audio Tapes Available to Members 488 Queries 489 Meet the Members 490
EDITORS' NOTES George Anderson reminded us that several years ago the Roots Tracer ran a series of ancestor lists. Including the Anderson's list, several other long-time members of L-AGS submitted their ancestor lists. George has suggested that since L-AGS has many new members who are quite far along on their family histories, we should reinstitute this series with their contributions. Your editors have a sample, provided by George, which may help you format your ancestor lists. Those that are submitted will be published throughout the year. Members should keep in mind that the Roots Tracer has distribution beyond the local area. We send our publication to many other genealogy societies; in exchange, they send their publications to us. We also send the Roots Tracer to genealogy libraries around the country. The free "publicity" you receive by publishing in the Roots Tracer may bring wonderful surprises! ******** Your editors neglected to credit the source of two articles submitted last quarter. "Polish Research" and "To Research Passport Records" were submitted by Beverly Schell Ales. We apologize for our omission. ******** In this issue of the Roots Tracer we have published a list of audio tapes now owned by L-AGS. If there are any other tapes of general interest you would like L-AGS to purchase, please let George Anderson know.
LIFE MEMBERS OF L-AGS: Beverly Schell Ales Anastasia Alexander Carrie Alexander Terry Crane G. E. "Robbie" Robinson BENEFACTORS: Judy and Don Person David and Linda Curry WELCOME TO NEW MEMBERS: Trent and Evelyn Edwards Albert E. Bueche and Carol Simonsen-Bueche Nancy Horne Barbara Beck Farris Jay Gilson Jean Hartley Carol Ann Pleasant Mildred Freitas
CALENDAR OF SELECTED GENEALOGICAL EVENTS (From various sources) 12 April 94 LIVERMORE GENEALOGY SOCIETY regular meeting. George Anderson will discuss "How to 'yoomp' the Atlantic to find Scandinavian ancestors". 15 - 16 April 94 California Genealogical Society 9th Family History Fair a The Fashion Center, 699 Eighth Street, SF. Many very fine speakers and programs. 415-777-9936 for more information. 19 April 94 San Ramon Valley GS regular meeting: Jolene Abrahams will speak on finding her birth family and adoptions. 26 April 94 Southern California Genealogical Society program will feature Kathleen C. Beals, Calif. Genealogical Society: Using the CGS Library. 7 May 94 San Ramon Valley GS & Contra Costa GS seminar, Danville Theatre: Lloyd DeWill Bockstruck, Dallas Public Library. 10 May 94 LIVERMORE GENEALOGY SOCIETY regular meeting. Rose Mary Kennedy, from the National Archives, will be our featured speaker. 21 - 22 May 94 Southern California Genealogical Society 25th Annual Gen. Jamboree, Pasadena Convention Center; contact SCGS, P. O. Box 4377, Burbank, CA 91503. 1 - 4 June 94 National Genealogical Society annual conference, Houston, TX: Explore a Nation of Emigrants. 11 June 94 LIVERMORE GENEALOGY SOCIETY regular meeting. NOTE: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM This meeting will be at the Pleasanton Library, 400 Old Bernal Ave.
ADDENDUM TO THE "CEMETERIES OF PLEASANTON AND DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA" Published January, 1990 FALLON PLOT, page 104, Sect A-Row 7 MARY CATHERINE FALLON MURRAY b. 17 May 1847 w. Mission San Jose, 1st white child born at Mission d. Oct 1941 (age 94 yrs) w.b. St. Raymond's Pioneer Cemetery, Dublin, California Daughter of Jeremiah Fallon early pioneer of Dublin. Submitted by Beverly Schell Ales, March 1994
The Bookshelf Campbell County, Tennessee, USA: A History of Places, Faces, Happenings, Traditions, and Things. 1993. By Miller McDonald. Published by County Services Syndicate, LaFollette, Tennessee. 355+xi pages, 11x13 inches, hard cover, photos, illustrations, maps. No index. Donated to LAGS by Judy Person, in memory of Harvey Grant Hatmaker.Figure 1. The easiest form of ingress into what is now Campbell County in pioneer times was by flatboating or rafting. Settlers floated down the Powell and the Clinch Rivers into this area. Others came on foot or by horseback, with more difficulty, leading their oxen and cattle into the wilderness. Illustration and caption from "Campbell County, Tennessee, USA" Campbell County lies near the Cumberland Gap, the historic, unique breach in the Appalachians through which funneled the first westering pioneers in the 1700s. The county is laden with history, and also with scenery, as this book attests. This is a coffee-table book, in size and attractiveness. Large pictures decorate each oversize page. The author scoured the county, interviewing the citizens, borrowing their old pictures, and studying their historic manuscripts and diaries. The result is a book that is interesting even to those who have no connections to the county, and undoubtedly a treasure to those who have. There are hundreds of names scattered throughout the text and in the captions, but the lack of an index is, to genealogists, a serious fault. The analogy to the "mug books" published by most counties in the 1800s is evident - many genealogical societies have had to undertake the indexing of these books in recent years, to make them useful to their members. ******************** Upshur County, West Virginia, Marriage Records; Book 5, October 1896 to November 1899, and Book 6, September 1899 to May 1902. 1993. By Karon King and John Walden. Published by the authors. Available from John Walden, 715 Catalina Dr., Livermore, CA 94550. 82+iii pages, 8 1/2x 11 inches, soft cover. Index. Donated to LAGS by John Walden. Over 1600 individual names are listed in the index of this compilation, co-authored by LAGS' own John Walden. The entries themselves give twice as many additional names, because the parents of both marriage partners are listed there. The actual count for the parents is probably less, because many of their names are repeated when others of their children were married. These parents' names are not indexed. Entries are listed sequentially as they appear in the marriage books. This is close to chronological in most cases. Each entry contains the names of the bride and groom, their ages, their places of birth and residence, and their parents' names. In addition, the entry lists the date of the record of marriage from the minister's return and the county marriage license book number and page where listed. If the bride or groom is widowed or divorced, this fact is noted. ******************** Upshur County, West Virginia, Births, 1853-1897. 1993. By Billie Faye Drost and Karon Janet King. Published by Heritage Books, Bowie, Maryland. 214+vii pages, 8 1/2x11 inches, soft cover. Self-indexed. Donated to LAGS by John Walden. As in the other Upshur County book just described, the entire entry in the county record book was transcribed. One of the authors (Karon King) of this book was also a co-author on the other Upshur County book. Almost 13,700 births are listed alphabetically by surname in this book. The entry gives the child's full name, sex, date of birth, and parents' names, and the book-page-line citation for the original records. The county records are those from Books 1 and 2, parts of Book 3, and the Delayed Birth Book. ******************** Ohio Families; A Bibliography of Books about Ohio Families. 1993. By Donald M. Hehir. Published by Heritage Books, Bowie, Maryland. 6x9 inches, 403+xii pages, soft cover. Index. Donated to LAGS by the publisher. The cover blurb for this book says that it contains over 1800 Ohioan surnames, but my estimate from the index comes out to over 3000. In any case, it is a large and comprehensive list of Ohio family histories. The author compiled his list from the catalogs of major libraries. Most of the entries were taken from the catalogs of the Library of Congress, the National Genealogical Society Library, and the DAR Library, all in Washington D.C. or vicinity. Among the many others listed is the San Francisco Public Library, which long ago turned its genealogy collection over to the Sutro Library, so he is either late in publishing, or has misstated his source. Deciding whether or not a given book concerns Ohio is hard to do from catalog information. Actually looking into the book is the only way to decide, and that was impractical for Mr. Hehir to do. He is careful to point out that some books published in Ohio might not be about Ohio, and others might have been omitted from his list because the catalog information did not mention Ohio. In addition, he cautions, there may be many Ohio family histories that were privately published and did not make it into public libraries. Entries in the book are listed alphabetically by the surname subject of the family history. A cross index is also provided to catch names that are buried in subtitles. To test the index, I looked up my only surname, Black, that has any connection with Ohio. Not surprisingly, I found many Blacks, but not mine. Then I looked for Welhoff, a very rare name that over many years I have yet to find in the Genealogical Helper index. And there it was, in the variant spelling, Willhoff! So books like this are worth searching. ******************** Maryland and Delaware Genealogies and Family Histories. 1993. By Donald Odell Virdin. Published by Heritage Books, Bowie, Maryland. 114+v pages, 8 1/2x11 inches, soft cover. Index. Donated to LAGS by the publisher. Similar in nature to the Ohio listing just described, this book claims 800 titles for Maryland and 200 for Delaware. My estimates agree. However, this author provides no critical discussion of his methods, and of the completeness of his work, as did the author of the Ohio book. Delaware and Maryland are covered in separate, similar sections. Titles are listed alphabetically by the surname concerned, and a separate index lists hidden surnames. Both sections contain a list of historical and genealogical organizations. My personal testing of the book came out positive. The family history, "Mullikins of Maryland," was listed, although the book seems to be rare - it took us 5 years to find a copy to purchase. ******************** A History of the City of Pleasanton. 1994. By Herbert L. Hagemann, Jr. Published by the Amador-Livermore Valley Historical Society, Pleasanton, California. 6x9 inches, 65 pages, soft cover, staple bound. Photos, maps, index. $5.00. Donated to LAGS by George and Harriet Anderson. Pleasanton will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its incorporation on June 18th of this year. As part of the commemoration of that event, ALVHS requested Herbert Hagemann to write this history of the city. He was the logical choice, since his great, great grandfather, Juan Pablo Bernal, was the first settler on the land that was to become Pleasanton, and his great grandfather, Judge John Kottinger, was the founder of the town. Hagemann's book is easily and pleasurably read in an hour. It is brimming with local pride, which some would call boosterism. The author is clearly not a slow-growther. For instance, he points out with evident approval that Pleasanton is now sixty times as large as it was in 1894. Yet he has been a leader in ALVHS and in local historic preservation. It comes as a shock to recognize some of the bygone buildings in the photos, and realize that they were part of our lives thirty years ago, but now are worthy of being pictured in a history book! To paraphrase Pogo, we have discovered history, and it is us. Or, to quote our own LAGS motto, "Tomorrow, today will be history." That there is an index is laudable, but it seems to be faulty, as evidenced by its lacking the name of the town's eponym, General Pleasonton, who is mentioned on page 20.
GENEALOGY AND YOUR VACATION Jolene & David Abrahams So, you're going on vacation - and taking your family history and genealogy notebooks with you. Perhaps this is the year you will make some wonderful discoveries about your ancestors. Here are some tips we have gathered from listening to our friends and lecturers through the years. Have you contacted all living relatives, including in-laws and out-laws? Good friends of the family? Do you know of or have access to family bibles? Try to photo-copy pages with family names and dates for your own records. Have you researched all known family histories? Have you checked (and perhaps copied) all birth, marriage and death records? Church records may fill in some gaps in your research. Then there are wills, estate and probate records. Who left what to whom? Do you know where your ancestors went to school? And how about fraternal organizations and business societies? You should visit cemeteries (but not at midnight when the moon is full!) to read the headstones. This can prove to be very useful. Church records may once again be helpful. In many areas, the cemeteries are directly connected with their respective churches. Have you checked military records? There is some information in this issue of The Roots Tracer regarding Civil War records. Look for applications for pensions and widow's pension land grants. Other interesting (?) information may come from civil and criminal records (do you really want to brag about Uncle Joe being a horse thief?). Included in civil records are such things as citizenship, voter registration tax rolls and other vital statistics. Interviewing family members may result either in enthusiastic support of your cause, or "why are you doing this - our family did nothing out of the ordinary". Here's where you have to be creative. Keep your interviews "light"; make it a fun experience for your interviewees to tell you about how things were in "the good old days". Last year, Allison Hamaker gave L-AGS a presentation on how to take your family history. She has a list of 70 questions that she asks people in her conversations with them. From these questions, we have excerpted a few to fill the page: 1. Where have you lived; how did you dress when you were child; what games did you play. 2. Do you remember your friends names. 3. What did your mother look like; what are your favorite memories of her. 4. What did your father look like; was he stern; what are your favorite memories. 5. What did your father do for a living; did your mother work as well. 5. What kind of music did you listen to as a teenager; how did you wear your hair. 6. What did you do for vacations; where did you go; camping; favorite memories of vacations. 7. What do you remember about school; your teachers; your favorite subjects. 8. Did you take music lessons; did anyone else play an instrument or sing or dance well. 9. What kind of religious training did you have; where did you worship. 10. Did you participate in any volunteer organizations in the community. 11. Were you in the military; any famous battles; how about the same for your parents. 12. Will you discuss your politics; conservative or liberal; and your parents views. 13. What are your hobbies.
CIVIL WAR NOTES AND STORIES Jolene and David Abrahams After meeting with our Civil War "Favorite Son" and L-AGS member Rhett Williamson, we quickly realized the many avenues to take in researching your Civil War ancestors. Time and space (dedicating an entire Roots Tracer) do not allow us to write a comprehensive document. However, we hope you will enjoy the stories and information we have presented in this issue. The newspaper article on the next page, reproduced from the original, appeared in the Valley Times before Rhett's presentation at a L-AGS meeting in 1993. Rhett participates in many re-enactments of Civil War battles. Below we have listed those re-enactments that may be of interest to our members, and that are not too far from home (from the NCWA Dispatch). April 17: Dunsmuir House, Oakland. Living history event sponsored by Civilian Corps. (Coordinator: Vida Jones, 707-795-3010) April 23-24: Gardner's Cove, Modesto. Public battles and encampment. (Coordinator: Don Ulery, 209-836-9606) May 28-30: Kelley Park, San Jose. Public battles and encampment. (Coordinator: Gary McLeod/Memorial Day Event Committee, 408-554-6472) July 16-17: Skyline Park, Napa. Public battles and encampment. (Coordinator: Elizabeth Ontis, 707-557-2552) August 13-14: Watsonville. Public battles and encampment. (Coordinator: Derek Walls, 408-724-7754) September 10-11: Pioneer Park, Nevada City. Public battles, encampment and parade. (Coordinator: Grover Cleveland, 916-432-9036) October 8-9: Kearney Park, Fresno. Public battles and encampment. (Coordinator: Roy Wells, 408-946-7228) November 5-6: Naval Weapons Station, Concord. Public battles and encampment. (Coordinator: Laurie Rogers, 510-825-5483) The "Excerpts From a Civil War Diary" was copied from the Hayward Area Genealogy Society H.A.G.S. Informer, August 1993. The short notes on Page 485 were taken from various recent genealogical publications. Rhett provided us with a copy of the 1994 Annual Calendar of Civil War Events, published by The Civil War News. This calendar has a listing of many reenactments, encampments and other historical programs to be held throughout the country during the year. Information about Civil War societies may also be found in this calendar. Subscription information is available from your editors.
Rhett Williamson of Livermore sports a replica of a uniform that his great-grandfather wore during the Civil War.
Bringing history to the present By Sarah Colby STAFF WRITER LIVERMORE - Fitzpatrick James Rhett Wiliamson has a close relationship with his greatgrandfather, despite never having met him. Williamson reels off his name with a laugh, "just to show you how Southern I am." A Livermore resident, Williamson is originally from New Orleans and his family's ancestral home is in Alabama. Friends call him Rhett, but all three surnames carry family history into the present and future - a goal Williamson's Southern side devotes itself to in more ways than one. If you meet Williamson at the right moment, you might think you're looking into the face of the past and in a way you would be. A genealogy enthusiast. Williamson decided 3 1-2 years ago to begin playing his great-grandfather, Samuel Thomas Williamson, in Civil War re-enactments. "I thought if I could play my great-grandfather, I could get a feel or a sense, sort of almost crawl into the skin of his being. The fact of the matter is you can't do that. You're in the 1990s. No matter how well we try to re-create 1863, we can't," Williamson said. But in recreating his grandfather, a surgeon for the Confederate Army, Williamson has learned much more about his own genealogy and history than he ever had before - about where his grandfather was on precise days, what conditions he lived under, what clothes he wore, what food he ate. "Now my objective is a double objective. I'm still acquiring more and more information about my great-grandfather ... but in addition, I'm focusing in the direction of making the public ... aware of their heritage," Williamson said. Area residents will get a chance to view some of Williamson's methods when he performs as his great-grandfather at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Beth Emek Temple in Livermore. "Everyone has family and when people come to reenactments, one person in the crowd might say, 'Well, gee, wouldn't it be nice if I knew what my background was.'" he said. Genealogy is quickly out pacing other hobbies such as stamp collecting. Almost everyone thinks at some point about where they came from, Williamson said.
EXCERPTS FROM A CIVIL WAR DIARY These excerpts were taken from a diary kept by Horatio N. Robinson, Co. C, 1st Regiment Mass. Volunteers Infantry, Boston. He kept the diary for approximately 1-1/2 years. Although it is a one-year diary, he used it from Jan. 1, 1863 to Friday, May 27th, 1864 when he was mustered out of the service of the United States. Horatio Robinson was the brother of my great-grandfather, William A. Robinson, also of Boston, and the diary comes to me from Emily Hook, Horatio's granddaughter. One interesting note, Horatio Robinson took ill and was sent to the hospital with "Typhus Fever" just four days before the Battle of Gettysburg, in which three members of his company were killed and 14 were wounded. - Lois Elling Monday, April 27, 1863 Fair Weather. Warm. Had a review at 7 o'clock by Secty Stanton & Lord Lyons. Inspection Dress Parade. Wrote Home. Tuesday, April 28, 1863 Rainy On Guard. Broke camp and started on a march with 8 days rations toward Fredericksburg. Started about 5 o'clock bivouacked for the night in the wood near the Rappahanock about 10 o'clock. Wednesday, April 29, 1863 Cloudy and foggy this morning the sun worked its way out about noon but began to rain towards evening. Got ready about 6 o'clock and marched about a mile into another piece of woods. Here we stopped until next morning. Recd 2 days rations. Recd a letter from home. Thursday, April 30, 1863 Cloudy & foggy with little rain. Cleared off about noon. Mustered out for pay. Got ready to move again about 10 o'clock. Started about noon and marched about 12 miles toward Banks ford. Stopped in a field for the night about 4 miles from the Rappahanock. Halted about 11 o'ck at night. Friday, May 1, 1863 Fair Weather. Got ready about 5 or 6 o'clock to move again. Our regiment guarded the wagon train to the river. Arrived at the Rappahanock and crossed about 3 o'clock. Joined the Brigade about an hour after. About 5 o'clock received orders to move when we got within a mile of the enemy we formed a line of Battle in the woods & halted - lying behind our stacks at night in the immediate vicinity of the Chancellor House. There was considerable fighting during the day but by 8 o'clock all was quiet and we retired for a nights rest. "Chancellorsville" 1863 Saturday, May 2, 1863 Fair Weather. Today we laid behind our stacks until about 6 o'clock when we were called on to go to the front. We went about 1/2 a mile and formed in the woods. Threw out skirmishers and throwed up a breastwork and laid there all night. The enemy made a Sortie during the night. Capt Rand killed & 2 or 3 men were wounded during the engagement. Both sides were shelling during the day but the fighting did not become general until about 3 o'clock. The 11th Corps broke. Stonewall Jackson was wounded during the night and died from his wound. Sunday, May 3, 1863 "Chancellorsville" Fair Weather. This morning we went at it bright & early. About 4 o'clock our line was broke and we retreated back to where we were on Saturday - in the afternoon we moved to the right and stopped and got dinner after changing positions several times. We formed line of Battle about 7 o'clock and turned in for the night. Gen Berry was killed. Nichols, Hoffman and Woods were wounded. Estabrook wounded and prisoner. Munroe and Tuells prisoners. There was a large number of Rebels taken. Our Regt lost 9 killed, 40 wounded and 67 prisoners. 2 day rations given out. Battle of Chancellorsville May 3d 1863 Monday, May 4, 1863 Fair Weather - Warm. Laid on our arms all last night. Gen Whipple was wounded this morning. News arrived in camp that Gen Sedgwick had taken Fredericksburg capturing 39 pieces of artillery & all the commissary stores of the enemy at that place. There was some skirmishing during the day. Our batteries opened but there was no general engagement. At night, Gen Whipple died from the effects of his wounds. Tuesday, May 5, 1863 Foggy this morning - few Thunder Showers during the afternoon. Laid on our arms all last night. We were turned out once during the night but it amounted to nothing more than picket firing. Had a little shelling and skirmishing this forenoon. Had 2 or 3 wounded by it. Jake Holmes of Co. B, 1 man in Co. A. About 9 o'clock PM we got orders to guard a battery to the River. Got down and crossed about 1 o'clock PM. Stopped in the woods for the night about a quarter of a mile from the River. Wednesday, May 6, 1863 Rainy all day. The whole army crossed the Rappahanock last night and today on the retreat. We arrived in our old camp near Falmouth, Va about 6 o'clock.
CIVIL WAR SOLDIERS SYSTEM The development of a new database containing the names of Union and Confederate soldiers who served in the United States Civil War has been announced. Scheduled for completion in about three years, the Civil War Soldiers System will identify about 3.5 million soldiers, their regiments, and which battles the regiments fought in. Because many soldiers served in more than one regiment and under more than one name, including aliases and spelling variations, the database will include about 5.5 million names. When finished, the database will be available at the National Park Service Battlefield Sites, National Archives branches, the Family History Library and its family history centers, and other major genealogical libraries and archives. The creation of this database will be a cooperative effort between the National Park Service, the National Archives, the Federation of Genealogical Societies, the Civil War Trust, the Genealogical Society of Utah (a parent organization of the Family History Library), and hundreds of volunteers throughout the United States. Volunteers are needed to do data entry on personal computers in their homes and on microcomputers at National Parks sites, National Archives branches, the Family History Library, and societies belonging to the Federation of Genealogical Societies. The Family History Library and the Genealogical Society of Utah encourage all interested persons to participate in this unique project. Participation is not limited to members of genealogical societies; anyone may volunteer. For more information, write to: Civil War Soldiers Index Federation of Genealogical Societies P. O. Box 3385 Salt Lake City, UT 84110-3385
CIVIL WAR PICTURES If you have a Civil War ancestor, you may be able to obtain his picture by writing to the U. S. Army Military History Institute, Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, PA 17013-5008. The Institute has a large collection of Civil War photos and are constantly adding pictures.
CIVIL WAR GRAVE LOCATION PROJECT The U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs is working on a project to list the grave locations of all persons (male and female) who served the Government of the Confederacy and also the supporting organizations of the Confederacy during the Civil War. Send information about Confederate Veterans buried outside of Oklahoma to Confederate Grave Location Project, c/o Ricky Snider, P. O. Box 450, Bradford, NY 14815. Information on Union Veterans buried in Oklahoma is also being collected. Send details to Oklahoma Union Veterans Grave Project, c/o N. Dale Talkington, 2011 Iowa St., Norman, OK 73069.
CIVIL WAR BOY SOLDIERS Taken from the Government records, the following figures reflect the total enlistment and ages of Northern soldiers during the Civil War: 10 yrs old - 25 11 yrs old - 34 12 yrs old - 225 13 yrs old - 380 14 yrs old - 1,602 15 yrs old - 104,987 (3.5%) 16 yrs old - 231,051 (8%) 17 yrs old - 884,981 (28%) 18 yrs old - 1,158,434 (38.5%) 19 -22 yrs old - 617,511 (20.5%) 22 - 44 yrs old - 52,696 45 and older - 0 The 15 to 18 year olds made up 78% of the total enlisted force. The 10 to 12 year olds were drummer boys.
FROM THE KNOLES FAMILY ALBUM Jolene AbrahamsTHE SEVEN KNOLES BROTHERS, 1872. This photo of the Knoles Brothers was taken about 1872. By coincidence, they are in the same order as in the photo below, which was taken many years later. Thomas S. Knoles was my great-grandfather. He is in the back row, on the left end. Family tradition tells that Thomas, although only eleven years of age in 1861, ran away from home several times to Camp Butler near Springfield and tried to enlist as a drummer boy. The post commander, annoyed at his persistent attempts to join up, eventually threatened personally to "boot him of the post" if he returned one more time. THE SEVEN STALWART KNOLES BROTHERS, BACK IN 1904 - Here is a family of seven brothers to be proud of - the Knoles family - citizens of Springfield and Central Illinois over a long period. Five of the seven shown in this old photograph taken in 1904, about the time of the St. Louis World's Fair, went through the Civil War. Back row, left to right: Thomas S. Knoles, Pert M. Knoles, Eli A. Knoles. Front row: Jacob J. Knoles, John L. Knoles, Samuel S. Knoles, Martin V. Knoles. Jacob and Samuel Knoles were in the battles of Guntown and Tupelo. Samuel Knoles later served in the Illinois legislature for two terms. Jacob and John Knoles took up blacksmithing and wagon-making. The other three war veterans farmed in Menard county. Samuel and Thomas Knoles conducted the Petersburg Democrat for several years, then moved to California, where Samuel Knoles became a district judge. All seven brothers lived to be over 80 years old. The youngest brother, Eli S. Knoles, now 88, still resides in Springfield at 1131 East Miller street, and has been a Register subscriber for 58 years. The Knoles family has a wide range of relatives and friends in Springfield and Central Illinois. From the State Register, 1938 (date unknown).
The packet of letters described in the article below now resides with one of Jolene's third cousins. Samuel Stone Knoles was a brother of Jolene's greatgrandfather. Although we were allowed to handle and photograph the packet, we were not allowed to unwrap it and read the letters!
BULLET STOPPED BY LOVE LETTERS Packet Carried Over Heart in Civil War Saved Life of San Diego Veteran In his office, room 11, McKee Building, United States Commissioner S. S. Knoles yesterday sat gazing at a faded package of letters, in the midst of which was a woman's lock of hair and a battered bullet. Precious as only love letters can be, this particular packet is even more precious to Commissioner Knoles, for it saved his life. To a Union reporter the battle-scarred veteran, who served through the Civil War, told the story of the memorable incident. "It was 44 years ago, in 1864," he said. "Some 15,000 strong we of the blue had started from Memphis with a train of supplies, headed for the right wing of Sherman's army, then in Alabama. When we got about 60 miles away into northern Mississippi we were engaged by a large force of rebels under command of Forrest and one of the Lees. A terrific fight followed. "It was in the midst of the battle that suddenly I felt a bullet strike me over the heart. I thought it had gone clean through, and knew I was a dead man, but examination later disclosed the fact that the bullet had lodged in the packet of love letters I carried in my inside vest pocket. The letters saved my life. "Just before we went into battle I turned to my comrade, a brother-in-law of Miss Belle Terhune of Petersburg, Ill., the young lady from whom I had received the letters, and handing him the letters requested him to send them back to her if anything happened to me. He took them and declared that as they were to his sister-in-law he would read them. "'I'll be damned if you do!' I said, and snatched them out of his hand. A short time after they stopped the bullet that was heading direct for my heart. A few minutes later I got a bullet through my left lung, but it never hurt me as much as did the one the love letters stopped." As the old veteran leaned back in his chair the reporter rose to go. "By the way," the latter asked, "how did that battle terminate?" "The rebs whipped hell out of us!" replied the major with a wry smile. (From the San Diego Union, 12 July 1908)
Audio Tapes Available on Loan to LAGS Members The LAGS Board decided last year to assemble a small library of audio tapes on genealogy, to see if they would be popular with the members. We now have a reasonable sample of tapes available from commercial vendors. All of them were recorded by well-known genealogists at national meetings. We also have been taping some LAGS meetings for two years, and those cassettes are also in the library. The tape collection will be kept in my home, not at the LAGS Library. It will be brought to all LAGS meetings. Members may borrow the tapes free of charge for one month by signing for them at the meeting. Between meetings, members may borrow or return tapes by making arrangements by telephone with me at 846 4265. George Anderson Tapes Recorded at LAGS Meetings No., Title of Talk, Speaker, Date L1 "How Native Americans Trace Their Ancestry" Gerri Parker, April 14, 1992 L2 "Beginning Genealogy" Shirley Terry, September 8, 1992 L3 "It Pays to Join Local Genealogical Societies" (two tapes) Jeanne Tanghe and Shirley Terry, November 10, 1992 L4 "Sources and Evidence" Mr. Reeks, December 8, 1992 L5 "Census Research" Barbara Edkin, September 14, 1993 L6 "Why Mormons Study Genealogy" Mary Lynne Horton, January 11, 1994 L7 "Preserving Valuable Records" Julia Purdie, March 8, 1994 Commercial Tapes No. - Title of Talk - Speaker - Source P1 "How to Conduct Effective Courthouse Research" Marsha Hoffman Rising, Triad #BIL-49 P2 "Census Records and the Experienced Researcher" Sandra H. Luebking, Triad #FORL-04 P3 "Tax Rolls to Document Marriages, Births, Deaths, Migrations and Relationships" Elizabeth Shown Mills, Triad #BIL-95 P4 "Tracing the Immigrant Ancestor: Clues from Seldom Used Sources" Arlene H. Eakle, Triad #DEC-04 P5 "The Use of Computers in the Publishing of Quarterlies" Gary T. Hawbaker, Triad #DCA-177 P6 "Where Haven't You Looked? Little-known and Neglected Records" Christine Rose, Von.T #S-134 P7 "Basic Procedures in German Genealogical Research" Larry O. Jensen, Von.T #W-19 P8 "A New Spot on Your Ancestral Map: Strategies for Researching an Unfamiliar Locality", James W. Warren, Repeat Performance #T-78 P9 "Ohio Land Records: an Overview" Carol Willsey Bell, Repeat Performance #FW-79
QUERIES Donald F. Foxworthy, 510 Overbrook Rd., Baltimore, MD 21212-2101 Would appreciate help with MARY REILLY (a.k.a. RILEY). She was a daughter of Terrence (John) REILLY and Margaret GLYESEE/GLEESE. Following the death of her parents in Ireland, Mary came to America about 1862 with two sisters, Catherine and Margaret, accompanied by an aunt. Tradition has it that they initially resided with an aunt in Irvington (Alameda Co.), CA. Catherine was married to William H. MARTIN on 13 Jul 1865 at Mission San Jose, CA. She died on 5 Feb 1933 in Pleasanton, CA. Margaret was married on 15 Jun 1875 to Daniel H. FALLON in Dublin, Ca. She died on 23 Oct 1934 in Livermore, CA. Mary was the maid of honor at Margaret's wedding. Neither obituary mentions Mary as a survivor. It is believed that Mary may have married a DONA(O)HUE. Date and place of such marriage not known as well as her death. Would also appreciate vital data for William MURRAY, his wife, and daughter Mary (said to be a COLLIER). He and his family came to CA sometime after 1850. A plat of Santa Rita Rancho, CA, 1860/62, shows his home about five miles east of Michael MURRAY'S home on the road between Dublin and Livermore. William and his wife had at least three children, i.e., Peter, Mary and John. Peter died 3 Oct 1888 and John died 9 Jun 1861 and is buried at St. Raymond's Cemetery in Dublin. The name of William's wife is unknown. It is believed that the family was from County Roscommon, Ireland. When William and his wife were married is not known, nor when they were born. Mary may have been born between 1834 and 1843, the respective dates of birth for Peter and John. Would like to know when William and his wife died and where they are buried. Likewise for Mary. Grateful for any help.
LOST AND PHOUND! At the February meeting of L-AGS, our phamous photographers photographed old photos for our members. We still have one unclaimed copy photo in our possession, which we would like to turn over to its rightful owner. Please call David or Jolene Abrahams to claim this lovely child.![]()
NEW MEMBERS INTERESTS Barbara Beck FARRIS, 112 Ramona Way, Tracy, CA 95376: BECK - Ohio, Livermore; ARMSTRONG, Livermore. Nancy HORNE, 4745 Mulqueeney Common, Livermore, CA 94550: GIBBS (prior to 1665), VARNER, WHITENECK (prior to 1735), CLECKNER, KEARNEY, METZ, LEE, DRAKE, HODSON (England prior to 1846) - New England, PA, NY, NJ.
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