Note: The Web version of this issue of The Roots Tracer contains all of 
the words and all of the non-decorative graphics of the original paper 
version, but does not preserve the original typographical formatting.




Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society
PO Box 901, Livermore, California 94551



From the Presidents	526
Calendar of Events	527
Notes From All Over	528
Addendum to "Cemeteries of Pleasanton & Dublin	529
The Bookshelf	530
Book Review	532
L-AGS Library Notes	532
Computer News	533
Resource Notes	536
Meet the Members
	Doris Spilmer BURNETT	539
	Jean E. HARTLEY	540
	Barbara June (SMITH) HALL	541
	Cathe NORMAN	542
	Barbara (CREIGHTON) WILLS	543


Beverly Schell Ales
Anastasia Alexander
Carrie Alexander
Terry Crane
G. E. "Robbie" Robinson

Judy and Don Person
David and Linda Curry

P. 0. Box 901, Livermore, CA 94551

President 	Fran SAMANS 	510-447-0761
1st VP and Membership Chair 	Erma McCUE 	......	510-443-1512
2nd VP and Program Chair 	Katherine BRIDGMAN 	510-846-4898
Recording Secretary 	Harold NORRIS 	510-447-6067
Corresponding Secretary 	David CURRY 	510-447-7589
Business Manager 	Chuck ROCKHOLD 	510-455-5911
Roots Tracer Editors 	Jolene & David ABRAHAMS 	510-447-9386
Library Chair 	Judy PERSON 	510-846-6972
Publicity Chair 	Felicia ZIOMEK 	510-847-9260
Livermore Cultural Arts Council Rep 	Don JOHNSON 	510-447-4746
Computer Interest Chair 	Doug MUMMA 	510-447-5164
Historian 	David LINDSEY 	510-447-6351
Publications Chair 	Open

The Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society is exempt from Federal Income 
Tax under Section 501(c)(3) (literary and educational) of the Internal 
Revenue Code and California Taxation Code 237020.

The Roots Tracer is a quarterly publication with articles of interest to 
the genealogist. Members are encouraged to submit their "Profiles" as 
well as articles of general interest. Queries are free to members, $ 1. 
00 to nonmembers.

The deadline for each quarterly is the 15th of June, September, December, 
and March. Send to:

Roots Tracer, P. 0. Box 901
Livermore, CA 94S51

Any book presented to the Society will be reviewed in the quarterly along 
with the purchase price and address of the publisher.

Our Library is located in the Pleasanton Public Library building, 400 Old 
Bernal Ave., Pleasanton, CA.

Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday, monthly, 7:30 PM, at Congregation 
Beth Emek, 1866 College Ave., Livermore, CA.

Membership in LAGS is open to any individual, library, or society. Our 
fiscal year is January 1 through December 31. Membership includes a 
subscription to the quarterly Roots Tracer.

Publications                           Members    Non-Members   Postage

Surname Index (1994)                   $9.00      $14.00        $2.00
Livermore Cemeteries (1988)           $12.00      $17.00        $2.00
Pleasanton, Dublin Cemeteries (1990)   $8.00      $12.00        $2.00
Roots Tracer Index                     $3.00       $4.50        $1.50

The above publications are available on diskette (IBM or Mac) for the 
same price as the paper copies. When purchased with a book, they are half 

Members Handbook	$4.00	$6.00	$2.00
	(Prices subject to change)

Send check or money order to:

Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society
P. 0. Box 901, Livermore, CA 94551
Individual       $12.00
Family           $18.00
Life            $125.00
Benefactor.      $30.00
Patron           $60.00
Life (Couples)  $185.00


We would like to thank the members of L-AGS for their support during our 
term as co-presidents. Your willingness to volunteer or say yes when 
asked to participate in one of the tasks to help make our club more 
productive and interesting was very much appreciated.

Our best wishes go to the new president and her Board.

		Harriet Anderson and Beverly Schell Ales

History repeats itself - I know, for I am part of the history of L-AGS. 
About 20 years ago, when L-AGS was in its formative stages, I served as 
its 2nd President.

I thank you for making it possible for me to be President of the 
organization once again. L-AGS has just about completed 20 years in its 
history. We have a fine Board and Committees, composed of knowledgeable 
and experienced individuals who will continue the well-established spirit 
of teamwork and will continue to further the upward trend in all phases 
of our operations. We must continue to expand our scope of interests to 
include the genealogical concerns of all our members.

We will try our best to live up to the confidence you have given us by 
your election of Board members. Please help by participating fully in 
all our programs and letting us know your thoughts about the various 
aspects of our activities. You can begin by attending as many meetings 
as possible. We want to see you; all of you!

		Fran Samans


Terry Crane, Life Member of the Livermore-Amador Genealogy Society, died 
of heart failure on Saturday, 31 December 1994. He was 45. Mr. Crane was 
a popular community leader and was a mortgage broker and real estate 
salesman. The membership of L-AGS wishes to express their condolences to 
the family.


Royce & Lynne Eckard
Eugene Fisher
Barbara Hill
Jack & Peggy Norman
Edward A. Pyle
Kenneth A. Surryhne
Barbara Wills

(From various sources)

13 JANUARY:	San Bruno Nat'l. Archives - Basic Genealogical Workshop 
"Using Census Only", a hands-on workshop on what to do before your film 
reaches the machine. 10:00 AM - 12 Noon. Cost $12 in advance; $15 at 
the door. Contact: Rose Mary Kennedy, 415-876-9009.

14 JANUARY:	Gen. Society of Stanislaus Co. will bring Helen F. M. Leary 
"Seeing Genealogy in a New Light", 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM. Registration $20, 
Modesto Centre Plaza, Ash-Magnolis Room, 1000 "K" St., Modesto. Contact: 
Don Wilson, 209-869-3966.

17 JANUARY:	San Ramon Valley Gen. Society meeting, 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM. 
Heritage Quest Workshop conducted by Leland Meitzler of Heritage Quest. 
Bring your lunch, drinks and dessert provided.

22 JANUARY:	Calif. Gen. Society is holding a "Beginner's Day", strictly 
for people new to genealogy, "Help Getting Started". Free for CGS 
members; $5 for non-members. 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM. Please bring lunch as 
few places are open for food. More information: 415-777-9936.

28 JANUARY:	Gen. & Hist. Council of Sacramento Valley - 4th Annual 
Genealogical & Historical Conference, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM at the Cordova 
Sr. Center, 3480 Routier Rd., Sacto. SGGS, PO Box 660061, Sacramento, CA 

28 JANUARY:	Sonoma Co. Gen. Soc. general meeting will feature Patsy 
Daniels, owner of Daniel's Chapel of the Roses in Santa Rosa. The topic 
will be "Using Funeral Home Records". 1:00 PM at Lark Hall, Rm. 2009, 
Santa Rosa Jr. College.

11 FEBRUARY:	San Bruno Nat'l Archives - will hold a Volunteer 
Training session. 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Contact: Rose Mary Kennedy, 415-

25 FEBRUARY:	Sonoma Co. Gen. Soc. general meeting will feature 
Christine Rose, whose topic will be "Too Young for the Revolutionary War 
and Too Old for the Civil War - Neglected Treasures". 1:00 PM, Lark 
Hall, Rm. 2009, Santa Rosa JC.

10 MARCH:	San Bruno Nat'l. Archives - Basic Genealogical Workshop. 
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Cost $12 in advance; $15 at the door. Contact: Rose 
Mary Kennedy, 415-876-9009.

10 - 11 MARCH:	Calif. Gen. Soc. 10th Annual Family History Fair. 
"Following the Paper Trails Across the Continents" will be held at The 
Fashion Center, 8th & Townsend, SF. See inside back cover for more 

25 APRIL:	Sacto. German Gen. Soc. will feature John D. Movius, 
"Germanic Auslanders, Researching Your German Ancestors from Behind the 
Old Iron Curtain". A workshop after will use a computer and the new FHL 
catalog on CD-ROM to help in finding film, fiche and books needed to 
solve individual research problems. SGGS, PO Box 660061, Sacramento, CA 

3 - 6 MAY:	Natl. Gen. Soc. & San Diego Gen. Soc. national conference: "A 
Place to Explore". Topics: Records and their availability; Migration 
patterns; History, what events shaped the area of your research; 
Evaluating evidence; Organizing & publishing; Hands on computer classes. 
For more info write to: NGS 1995 Conference, 4527 - 17th St. North, 
Arlington, VA 22207-2362. At the Town & Country Hotel & Convention Center.



The California State Genealogical Alliance (CSGA) is in the process of 
assembling a new state-wide Speakers Directory. If you have a topic you 
would like to talk about at other meetings, please contact Jolene or 
David Abrahams, 447-9386, as soon as possible. The deadline for 
submitting information for inclusion in the new directory is 1 February 


A meeting was held with representatives of the U.S. Archivist's office 
and members of the CSGA board of directors in Richmond last spring. As a 
result of that meeting, Railroad Retirement pension records, which are of 
great value to genealogists and historians, will no longer be destroyed. 
However, this is only a temporary measure until a decision can be made as 
to what portions of these records are of value to us. 


I recently received a calendar from the Reader's Digest dated 1995, 
Family Diary. In this beautiful little pocket calendar, besides the 1995 
calendar, there is a listing of the Easter Dates from 1995 to 2009. 
Also, there is a 200 year Calendar Index which lists every year from 1867 
to the year 2066. Many calendar years are the same. Example: 1867, 
1878, 1889, 1895, 1901, 1907, 1918, 1929, 1935, 1946, 1957, 1963, 1974, 
1985, 1991, 2002 and 2013 have the same weekdays of the year. In other 
words, January 1 will be on Tuesday of each of those years. The Index 
has only 14 different arrangements for the 200 years!

My interest started in this because I was born on 7 April 1929, which was 
Easter Sunday. I have not had my birthday on Easter until 1986. Easter 
Day is always the first Sunday after the full moon which occurs on or 
after March 21; if the full moon occurs upon a Sunday, Easter Day is the 
Sunday after. I was anxious to find out if my husband, who was born on 
19 June 1927 was born on Father's Day, which he was, a Sunday. Our 
oldest daughter was born on Mother's Day, 12 May 1957, which was a 
Sunday. My second daughter was born on 7 August 1960, a Sunday - which 
is also the same date as my brother's birth - although his birthday was a 
Thursday, which is also the day of the birth of my son, 4 December 1958. 
If any readers would like to have dates from this calendar, please call 
me at 846-5297. Submitted by Beverly Schell Ales


On Sunday, 18 December 1994, the San Jose Mercury News published an 
article written by Fay Faron, owner of the Rat Dog Dick Detective Agency 
in San Francisco, regarding letters to Santa Claus. She published a list 
of agencies that might also be useful to genealogists and historians, 
which has been reproduced below. Send your letter to one of these 
agencies, which will either give you information or forward your letter 
if it fits the right criteria - often at no charge.

* Social Security Administration, Department of Health and Human 
Services, 6401 Security Blvd., Baltimore MD 21235. The administration 
must be able to identify the person, either by Social Security number or 
date and place of birth, and the letter must benefit the receiver, rather 
than the sender.

* Military Locator, 9700 Page Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63132. For $3.50, the 
agency will forward your sealed letter to anyone who is either still in 
the service or who is receiving benefits. Helpful information includes a 
Social Security number, service number, date of birth and date and place 
of service.

* Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Benefits Admin., Administrative 
Support Staff (20A52), 810 Vermont Ave. N. W., Washington, DC 20420. 
Another shot at service member, this time aimed exclusively at veterans. 
Send the same information as above, and the Department will forward a 
letter to the last address where it mailed benefits.

* National Cemetery Registry, Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Washington, DC 
20420. Those killed in action, or who served and have died since, might 
now be buried beneath a white cross.

* U. S. Office of Personnel Management, 1900 E St. N. W., Washington, DC 
20415. The office can give you the work address of a current federal 
employee, or forward a letter to a retired one.

* You can also try calling the Federal Bureau of Prisons in Washington at 
202-307-3126. The Bureau's Inmate Locator Service can tell you if 
someone is or was incarcerated and when they will, or did, get out. 
Submitted by Don Johnson


The Historical Genealogy Dept. of Allen Co. Public Library was organized 
in 1961 by the library director, Fred J. Reynolds. The Dept.'s renowned 
collection contains more than 181,000 printed volumes and 220,000 items 
of microfilm and fiche. This collection grows daily through department 
purchases and donations from appreciative genealogists and historians. 
Following is a sample of the holdings: FAMILY HISTORIES - more than 
38,000 volumes; CENSUS RECORDS - Federal and State & Territorial; CITY 
DIRECTORIES - 30,000 R. L. Polk Directories dated 1964 to present, and 
some on fiche from 1785; PASSENGER LISTS - most National Archives 
passenger lists and indexes on microfilm are available; MILITARY RECORDS 
- these holdings include most microfilmed National Archives service and 
pension records, Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Indian Wars & 
Disturbances, Mexican War, Civil War, Spanish-American War, Philippine 
please consult the department's Bibliography of Sources for Native 
American Family History which details print and microtext holdings by 
state and by tribe; AFRICAN-AMERICAN RECORDS - consult the department's 
Bibliography of Sources for African-American Family History which details 
print and microtext holdings by state; CANADIAN RECORDS - consult the 
French-Canadian & Acadian Genealogy pathfinder for further details; 
BRITISH ISLES - this collection contains 15,000 printed volumes which 
includes Ireland, England and Scotland; GERMANY; OTHER COUNTRIES AND 
PERIODICALS - the department holds the largest English-language genealogy 
and local history periodical collection in the world with more than 3200 
current subscriptions and more than 4,100 titles; COMPUTER DATA BASES; 
AUDIO CASSETTES AND VIDEOS. Contact the Allen County Public Library at 
900 Webster St., PO Box 2270, Fort Wayne, IN 46801-2270; phone 219-424-
7241, ext. 3315. Their library catalog is now available on-line via 
modem at 219-424-1330. From the CSGA Newsletter, September 1994

Published January 1990

FALLON Plot, page 104, Sect A-Row 7


b. May 17 1847
w. Mission San Jose, 1st white child born at mission
d. Oct 1941 (age 94 yrs)
w.b. St. Raymond's Pioneer Cemetery, Dublin, California

Daughter of Jeremiah Fallon early pioneer of Dublin. Submitted by 
Beverly Schell Ales

The Bookshelf

Family. 1994. By Ian Frazier. Published by Farrar, Straus & Giroux, New 
York. 386+vi pages, 6x9 inches, hard cover. Photos, charts, maps. 
Unindexed. $23. Donated to L-AGS by George and Harriet Anderson.

When Ian Frazier, a best-selling author, sat down to go through the 
family papers that his parents had left him, he began to ask himself the 
same questions we all know so well: Who were these people? What were they 
like? Where did they live? What did they do? Whatever happened to them? 
That was the beginning of a search that led to this beautiful book - a 
model family history that is, remarkably for its kind, a current best-

After being bitten by the bug, Mr. Frazier plunged into five years of 
research. He visited all of the homeplaces, buried himself in local 
libraries, read all of the books mentioned anywhere in the inherited 
papers, followed the trail of one ancestor's Civil War regiment, and 
interviewed every relative he could locate. The interviews as printed are 
unabridged - one uncle given to drink, profanity and obscenities is 
quoted verbatim and at length. That you won't find in the usual family 

"Family" is about ordinary people, but in the hands of a skillful writer 
like Mr. Frazier, they seem extraordinarily alive. They were named 
Frazier, Hursh, Wickham, Bachman, Benedict and Wildman, they ended up 
mostly in Indiana and Ohio, and they were preachers, farmers, lawyers, 
teachers and small-town editors. One was a slave trader, a fact that had 
been expunged from the family traditions about him. One was a congressman 
and several were drunks.

The author duly notes vital dates and places when he learns them, but 
they don't seem to interest him. He doesn't mention using any Mormon 
resources. He does what so many of us want to do, but often don't: go 
beyond the skeleton of dates and places, and add the flesh and blood, 
personality and spirit of our ancestors. In addition, Mr. Frazier embeds 
all of his subjects in their context - the prevailing local conditions 
and attitudes. He has obviously done much study of local history. Besides 
being relevant to the story, these historical settings are instructive to 
those of us who have ancestors living at the same time and in the same 
region as his.

The family history is brought right up to date. Mr. Frazier's father died 
of Alzheimer's in 1987 and his mother of cancer in 1988. Both were in 
their late 60s. The chapters about them are dispassionate and loving at 
the same time. His father was a Navy officer in World War II, then an 
industrial chemist for Sohio. His mother was a high school drama teacher 
and the adviser to the yearbook. An interesting aside is that Jeffrey 
Dahmer, the late serial killer, attended that school and succeeded in 
sneaking into a yearbook photo where he didn't belong; the editors had to 
ink out his face.

"Family" invites comparison to Alex Haley's "Roots." Both are rarities: 
family histories with mass appeal. Both are by authors who became 
entranced by family mysteries. Beyond that, there is little in common. 
Haley found that his family's history was full of high drama, deep 
pathos, memorable characters and fascinating local color. Add to that the 
novelty: most of us were surprised and pleased that African-Americans 
could have traceable ancestries. These are just the ingredients for a hit 
book and a record-breaking TV series. "Family," on the other hand, charms 
with its disconnectedness, its realism and its historical insights. There 
is pathos in the death of the author's younger brother and its effect on 
their father, but it is simply made part of the theme that common people 
are uncommonly interesting when looked at closely enough.

I found great pleasure in reading "Family" and I think you will too. It 
helps if you read the book while sitting in a deck chair on a luxury 
cruise ship in the Caribbean, as I did. The life of a book reviewer is 
tough, but someone has to do it!

If you need a better reason than enjoyment to pick up this book, consider 
it as a pattern for that family history that you are going to start on 
any day now. It is an ideal worth emulating. All the facts about each 
ancestor are there, but woven readably into character sketches. Sources 
are cited in a 16-page appendix of fine print. There are plenty of 
photographs, a few maps, and two lonely pedigree charts, crudely hand-
drawn as if to make the point that the book is about people, not 

"Family" will be put into the L-AGS library in circulating status, so it 
can be checked out to be read at home.


Catalog of the Pleasanton Genealogy Library. 1994. Compiled by George 
Anderson, Harriet Anderson and Judy Person. Published by L-AGS, P.O. Box 
901, Livermore, CA 94551. 20 pages, 8 1/2 x 11 inches, soft cover. 
Diskette (IBM or Macintosh) also available. Price not yet announced.

Pleasanton Genealogy Library? What's that? The subtitle of our new 
catalog explains: "... comprising holdings of the Gayle Pipes Memorial 
Library of the Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society and genealogical 
holdings of the Pleasanton Branch Library of Alameda County." Since the 
genealogy shelves at the Pleasanton Library contain many books from both 
L-AGS and the county, it makes sense to publish a joint catalog, and to 
pick a simple name that encompasses both collections. Hence, "Pleasanton 
Genealogy Library."

All L-AGS books are now in the Alameda County online public access 
catalog (OPAC), so there might seem to be little need for a printed 
catalog. That may seem especially obvious since the OPAC can now be 
dialed up from home. Yet there are good reasons for an old-fashioned 
catalog. In the first place, we want L-AGS to be useful to all members, 
not just those with computers and modems. Also, the dial-up access 
entails a toll charge from Livermore. Second, the open hours at the 
Library are now about half what they used to be, because of budget cuts 
from the state. Members who have trouble getting to the library during 
open hours can use the printed catalog to do their homework, to make best 
use of their time on site.

Another use for the catalog may not be obvious. Actually, it is a use for 
the diskette that is also available. On the diskette is the complete 
database for all of the 714 books (in 605 sets) that currently constitute 
the Pleasanton Genealogy Library. Our newly-published catalog contains 
only abstracts of the information in the database. To publish the whole 
database would have meant a document of 80 pages instead of 20 - an 
impractical and unnecessary expense. A printed copy of the full database 
will be available near the genealogy stacks in the library. Having the 
diskette (and having a computer!) allows one to search the database even 
more flexibly than can be done on OPAC.

For example, I knew there was a book in our collection containing 
obituaries from the newspaper "Vindicator." That word does not appear in 
the OPAC subjects, but by searching for it in the database I quickly 
located the book as call number "978.137 VINDICATOR," obituary index for 
the Valley Falls, Kansas, Vindicator.

Our new catalog lists 605 "sets" of books, a set being either a single 
book, multiple copies of the same book, or multiple volumes of a series. 
The main list is in call number order and contains the set number, the 
call number, the title and author and the number of books in the set. The 
subject index contains a list of 521 subjects occurring in the OPAC data 
for these books. Following each subject are the set numbers of the books 
dealing with that subject. For example, there are nineteen sets of books 
cited under the subject, "Emigration and Immigration."

We are proud of the L-AGS/Pleasanton Library collection. We hope our new 
catalog will enhance its usefulness.


This is my swan song as book reviewer for the Roots Tracer. I have 
enjoyed the assignment because it gave me an excuse to read our new books 
and think about them, and to re-examine my own research practices in 
light of what I read.

My first column appeared exactly ten years ago, in the Winter 1984 issue 
of our quarterly. Now it's time to quit. 

SNOW HILL REMEMBERED, by Richard E. Stevens. Heritage Books, 1994, a 
gift of the publisher. This is a history of the Harris family of 
Maryland, Ohio and Kentucky. It's a well-written, well-researched 
history of the family of the English history of the immigrant Charles 
Harris who is found in Somerset County, MD in 1767. He apparently came 
from Somerset County in England. After he, a modest planter, and his 
family moved from place to place in Maryland's eastern shore, they made 
the difficult trek across the Alleghenies to Kentucky, then to Ohio where 
most of them stayed.

Of local interest, one of their number came to California after the Civil 
War and worked in a mercury mine near St. Helena, then at New Almaden, 
and settled after his marriage in San Francisco. Among the allied 
families with greater numbers are Baker, Bransford (including Susanna, 
the "Silver Queen" of Park City and Salt Lake City, UT), Hodge, Hughes, 
Maddox, Noble, Nordyke, Smith and Van Meter.

Judy Person

You may know we've been talking about acquiring a CD-ROM drive, which 
will need a fast enough computer, one with a 486 chip, to run some of the 
newer less-expensive programs which would benefit our research greatly. 
One item we want is PhoneList, for example, which would give us 90 
million names, addresses and phone numbers.

We thought there might be spare computers from the old library catalogs 
at Pleasanton, but they aren't fast enough to be worthwhile, so we've 
been casting about. I asked the Pleasanton Library League of they could 
donate a system, but at $2,000, we all wanted to see what else might turn 
up with further research! One League member said her brother might be 
discarding 486 computers from his office to get Pentium-loaded ones, but 
we don't know yet.

We have so many talented people to help us think these things through 
that we'll surely come up with something. If you have any ideas, please 
call me at 846-6972, or George Anderson at 846-4265.

Beyond that, we have a short list of books we are planning to buy. If 
you have any suggestions, donations, or if you'd like to do this year's 
club service on the library committee, please let us know!


At the January L-AGS Board meeting we found out that Rhett Williamson, 
one of our favorite members, was in the process of relocating to Atlanta, 
Georgia. Rhett has traced his ancestry back beyond the Civil War. 
During that War, his great-grandfather was a doctor on the side of the 
Confederacy. Having proven his lineage, Rhett has participated in 
reenactments of Civil War battles, and played the part of the good 
doctor. Dressed in his Civil War uniform, Rhett has spoken at our club, 
discussing battlefield medicine of the era. Rhett - we're going to miss 
you. Good luck, and come back and see us.

Computer News
by Doug Mumma

Computer Interest Group Meetings Discontinued Until Further Notice

The L-AGS Computer Interest Group meetings will be discontinued until 
further notice. Because of other time commitments, I am unable to 
properly prepare and conduct the type of meetings that have been held in 
the past. If there is sufficient interest to continue the meetings, I may 
resume them again after I complete a month long genealogy trip in May to 
Indiana, Ohio, Maryland, and Virginia. Meanwhile, if you have any 
specific questions or problems regarding computer hardware or software 
issues, please give me a call (447-5164) if it relates to DOS machines or 
to George Anderson (8464265) for Mac computers. We will continue to serve 
as mentors in these areas of interest.

PAF 2.31 Sent to All Registered Owners!

By now, I'm sure that all of you PAF users have received your PAF 2.31 
upgrade diskettes from Salt Lake. I have not heard of any further 
problems with the program and I presume everything is OK.

There has been some talk about the next major release of PAF and what 
features it will contain. From all indications that I have read, the next 
release will be downward compatible to the 8088 machines (the original PC 
machines). This is very disappointing to many PAF users because it 
probably means that this program will not incorporate many of the 
outstanding features found in many of the newer programs, such as Family 
Tree Maker for Windows or Roots IV. This means that you will have to 
continue to buy additional shareware programs to make PAF the full 
featured program that it should be.

If you have any additional concerns or need specific help, you can 
contact the PAF technical support line at (801)-240-2584 in Salt Lake 

PAF for Macintosh Beta Test

Several of our members have signed up to be beta testers for a new 
version of PAF that is being written for the Mac. They are awaiting 
diskettes in order to start testing. The current promised release date 
for the beta program is the first week of February. I will keep you 
posted regarding their progress and hopefully, by the next newsletter, 
there will be something positive to report. At least this is an 
indication that something is happening regarding a new release of PAF for 

Multimedia for Christmas

Santa was good to me and put a multimedia system under the Christmas 
tree. I was excited thinking about this new world of multimedia. I opened 
the box immediately and then, against my better judgment, decided to 
install everything right then. It should only take a few minutes. Right? 
Without hesitation, I took the case off of my computer and installed the 
new CD-ROM player and the sound card along with the necessary 
interconnecting cables. So far, so good and it only took a few minutes! 
With continued excitement, I began loading the software. Disk I loaded 
just fine and then it happen, a dreaded error message flashed on my 
screen, "Can't read the disk in Drive A." I was disappointed because I 
was ready to try all the new CD-ROM disks. I checked the installation 
disk and found it was OK and showed no read errors. I repeated the 
installation procedure and again, the same message appeared. What to do 
now? I skimmed through the manual looking for any troubleshooting hints 
that might help. Nothing! I then noticed that they offered a 24 hour, 365 
day a year, technical support 800 number. Even though it was Christmas, I 
immediately called them and got the usual - a busy signal. After 10 
minutes of rapid redialing, I finally got through to the voice mail 
system. To ease the pain of waiting, I turned on the speaker phone and 
started doing other things. After one hour, a human voice began to ask me 
all of the usual questions, i.e. name, rank, and serial number. Then he 
announced that he was just prescreening the calls to speed up the process 
and a technical support person would answer shortly. I tried to shout 
"wait", but to no avail. After another hours wait, Bob, the tech finally 
said hello. I described my problem and off we went on our repair odyssey. 
We checked everything and even rebooted my machine with minimal 
parameters. He finally said, "I will send you new disks, that should 
solve your problem --- but just a minute" and off he went again to where 
ever they go! After a brief period, he returned to announce we would try 
one more thing. We would copy the three installation diskettes to a 
"temporary" directory on my hard drive and try the installation again, 
but using the files on the hard drive. Well it worked! He couldn't 
explain why and I still don't understand it. I was now operational after 
3 hours on the telephone, much to the chagrin of my wife, daughter, and 
grandkids. What did I learn? Allow plenty of time and don't try to 
install a multimedia system yourself unless you are comfortable with 
taking your computer apart and making software changes to correctly set 
the Port, IRQ and DMA to accommodate your system. Also be prepared to 
call technical support for assistance and hope they give you an 800 
number. By the way, COMP-USA was offering free installation.

Family Tree Maker Deluxe Edition on CD-ROM

Having finally installed the multimedia equipment I was ready for the fun 
part. The system is great! One of the first things that I loaded was the 
CD-ROM version of Family Tree Maker (FTM). Because I had just recently 
upgraded to the latest Windows version of FTM, I was able to obtain the 
CD-ROM disk upgrade for only $5 which is a great bargain! The CD is full 
of great information. It contains a very nice genealogy "How-To" guide. 
There are four fantastic reference tools: directory of phone # and 
addresses, dictionary of genealogy terms, form letters, and Family Finder 
Index. The directory of phone # and addresses is very useful in looking 
up various government and county organizations that contain archives of 
interest to genealogists as well as other general organizations. You 
search by conveniently clicking on a map of the United States and the 
state of interest. Cute and it works nicely. The dictionary is nice and 
it contained a number of terms with which I was not familiar. The form 
letters are convenient and a reminder of what should be in letters that 
you send to various people. The last item, the Family Finder Index, is 
very powerful. It contains over 100 million names!! That's a lot of names 
and why it must be contained on a CD. The index is an index of actual 
names of individuals extracted from the census records, selected state 
marriage records, selected state land records, all publicly available 
social security death benefits records and many other archives. Wow! To 
test it I did a search on my surname, Mumma. The search yielded 511 
occurrences of my name. A number were repeats where someone is listed in 
a census records for different years as well as in marriage or social 
security records. I was impressed. Each entry shows the archive date and 
description as well as the CD# that can be obtained from Banner Blue, the 
software manufacture. They obtained the information by special 
arrangement from Automated Archives, a research company in Utah.

Overall I am very impressed with Family Tree Maker. It's a fun program to 
use, the visual graphics and printed charts are great; you can include 
digitized pictures; and they teach you how to do genealogy! I think the 
program is a must for new and beginning researchers as well as seasoned 
pros. I like the fact that they couple information and helpful hints in 
everything they do. In the printed manual, for example, they have a 
section on "Outdated Medical Terminology" in the appendix. I see the term 
"grippe" used as a cause of death but can never remember that it was used 
to describe the influenza epidemic in 1918. Dropsy, another common cause 
of death, is listed is congestive heart failure. You can document any and 
all facts that you enter and you can also enter non-traditional living 
arrangements. A must for our modern situation. I have a few minor 
complaints and recommended enhancements that I have submitted for their 
consideration. This program is a good choice for everyone to buy and try. 
If nothing else, it prints out great charts! The price is reasonable ($50 
for the CD-ROM version) and you can buy it at discount at Costco.

Street Atlas USA Version 2.0 (CD-ROM)

The second CD-ROM that I received and tried was Street Atlas USA. I 
really liked this program. It is totally intuitive and I only read the 
small manual later to see if there was anything that I missed. After you 
install and run the program, you are presented with a map showing about 
one third of the United States. At this point, you have several choices 
as to how you can zoom in on a particular location. One is to use the 
mouse and bulls-eye pointer to centralize your area of interest and then 
click the zoom-in button a number of times until you reach the desired 
degree of magnification that you desire. When I centralized on my house 
in Livermore, I could clearly visualize the lot upon which my house sits. 
The printed map scale was about 666 feet to the inch. Although some of 
the streets are shown as being a little crooked and not straight, it is a 
fantastic representation considering the scale of the scanned images of 
maps. The other, and easiest, method of locating a point of interest is 
to enter either a telephone number, a zip code, or the city and state 
name. After you have made these selections, you can narrow your search 
further by entering the street name of interest. Now you can again zoom 
in to the desired magnification. You can print maps at any magnification 
scale. The price of the program is about $80.

This is a fun program that I hope to use extensively while preparing for 
my genealogy trip next May. It will be helpful in identifying exact 
locations of relatives, both living and dead. I may even buy the "Trip 
Planner"' version to create a series of auto maps similar to that done by 
the AAA travel service. The map on the fight was created in Street Atlas 
USA, copied to the windows clipboard, and then inserted into the text. 
The full scale map is, of course, much clearer. This is a great way to 
document your travels.



The Copyright Reference Guide for the Genealogists, by Daniel J. Hay 
(Centerville, UT: Advanced Resources, Inc., 1993). The author discusses 
legal ramifications of the copyright laws; reproduction and copyright 
infringement; copyrights and computer software, and unpublished diaries. 
This is an excellent resource, with references to other sources on the 
subject. It points out how genealogists may become authors at any point. 
Soft cover, saddle wire stitched, 29 pp., appendix, 5 1/2" x 8 1/2', 
$4.95 (add $.50 shipping). Order from: Advanced Resources, Inc., 144 
Parrish Square, #144, Centerville, UT 84014.(The NC Gen Soc Journal Vol. 
XX, No 2, May 1994 p 132.)


If you are planning to do research at the Library of Congress in the near 
future, you may be surprised to find out that they have closed the stacks 
to all researchers and the Manuscript Reading Room on Saturdays claiming 
the need for increased security and problems of limited funds. Reduced 
hours are also in effect for other reference rooms. There are no 
indications that the Library intends to modify this policy.


For an update on what is currently available in the Family History 
Library on American Indian Material in the Pacific Northwest, read pages 
9-11 in the Genealogical Journal, Vol. 22, 1994, No. 1, the Utah 
Genealogical Association Journal. If you are interested in Germans from 
Russia genealogical records, read pages 1-8 in the same issue.


Research services are available in Russia through AROS/RAGAS (Archives of 
Russia and its American affiliate, the Russian American Genealogical 
Archival Service). Requests can be made in English. There is a $22 
charge for obtaining a single birth, marriage, or death record. There is 
a $50 charge to set up an account for extended research and a $6 per hour 
research fee. These rates may go up as costs increase in Russia for 
copies, etc. They may be contacted at RAGAS. P.O. Box 236 Glen Echo, MD 
20812, telephone (202) 501-5205


Sometimes adoption records can be found in county record books where 
divorce and probate records are filed. The courts are very clever and 
instead of putting adoptions under "A" they place them under "I". In 
these record books, generally open to the public, they are indexed 
alphabetically. Turn to the "I" index and find "IN RE." Under this 
Category you will find petitions to change names, petitions to adopt, 
etc. (Contra Costa Co GS NL V8 #9, Sep '93 via SMCGS Newsletter, Vol 12 
N. 1 Jan '94. )


Two tablets of milk of magnesia and a quart of club soda. Mix together 
and place in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours. Put the mixture in 
a pan that is long and wide enough so that the clippings won't touch each 
other. Add the clippings and let them soak for an hour. Remove and 
place between sheets of paper towels and gently blot to remove as much of 
the moisture as possible. Allow to air dry and they should be like new. 
This should make the paper like the original color, eliminating the 
yellow look from age. (Central California Chapter, American Historical 
Society of Germans from Russia Newsletter, Jan, 94)


The Family History Library 35 N. West Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150, 
is publishing a new series of genealogical word lists. Available are 
word lists for Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, German, Latin, Spanish, French 
and Portuguese languages. The lists include about 900 words that you are 
likely to find in genealogical sources and their English translations. 
They are free with a long SASE. (The Odom Family Tree, Apr/May 1994)


The word "newspaper" is not derived from the word "news" as you might 
think, but from North, East, West and South, indicating that the 
information is derived from the four corners of the globe. (The Tree 
Branches, Glendive, MT via the Odom Family Tree, Apr/May 1994) 



It is a sad sign of the times when the research centers on which we 
depend must make announcements such as this:

		17 June 1994

It is with deep regret that we announce a new policy regarding what 
patrons may bring into the Oakland Family History Center....

We have experienced a very large amount of theft this past year... In 
order to insure that all patrons have access to all of the various 
materials here, we will no longer allow patrons to bring in brief cases, 
large cases, bags, backpacks, or large purses. We will only allow a 
small notebook, tablet or a very small binder. We would appreciate it 
very much if all brought and used pencils.

Please leave your large bags,..., etc. in your car. Lockers will be 
available for ladies purses... We will insist that all purses be placed 
in the lockers.

If any have found a film, book or microfiche that you have in your 
possession that belongs to our collection, we would greatly appreciate it 
being returned. No questions asked.


Kathy Beals' book A Useful Guide to Researching San Francisco Ancestry, 
for genealogists is recently available. This guide includes cemetery 
records, newspaper notices, directory listings, census records, Land 
records, and other valuable indices. It can be purchased through 
California Genealogical Society, PO Box 77105, San Francisco, CA 94107-

The California Genealogical Society Library has acquired "Record Books of 
the San Francisco Probate Court" dates 1906 to 1940. Volume 11 of the 
180 volume set is missing. These are Probate Registers of Actions from 
the San Francisco Superior Court, 1906-1940. The records include 
deceased, minors, incompetent or insane people and even missing persons. 
The City started these records immediately after the 1906 Earthquake. 
Seventy-five percent of the first volume is reinstated records. That is, 
people who had died between 1902 and early 1906, and for whom 
applications were entered to reinstate the previous documents. Each of 
the volumes contains 600 pages; the first 500 pages are original docket 
numbers and the remaining pages are continuation pages for lengthy 
probates. The Superior Court has the index covering 1906-1981, and CGS 
has the microfiche index from 1906-1924. (CGS Nugget, 4:2, p. 28-30) 


The California Section of the CA State Library located in Sacramento will 
have a new address as of 11 Oct 1994. It will be: 900 "N" Street, Room 
200. Call 916-654-0176 for hours of operation and other information.


The Stockton Public Library now has a public-access dial-in catalog for 
those with a modem. Phone (209) 937-7323; setting 8N1, VT100 or higher 
terminal emulation. Hit return several times when you connect. Type 
LIBRARY at the login message. Choose "1" for Central Library. Use the 

The Santa Clara City Library now has a public access catalog accessible 
from any computer with a modem and communications software. VT100 or 
TV1925 terminal emulation, 2400 baud (if using 9600, turn off error 
detection and data compression), 8N1, full duplex. Numbers: (408) 984-
3271 (or 3272 or 3273).

When connected press CR once or twice. Select the proper emulation for 
your system by typing V for VT100 or W for TV1925.

To Logoff type D (disconnect) from the main menu screen. Be sure to use 
your hang-up command to disconnect your modem from the line. (SC Co HAGS 
Nwsltr, 36:10,p.83)


Requests from several members for more information on the AMA Directory 
of Deceased Physicians prompted a MELVYL search. For those of you who 
have not yet discovered what a useful research tool MELVYL can be, here 
are the results of that search with comments in italics. 

MELVYL is the public access library catalog of the University of 
California it also included California State Library holdings. Public 
access requires a modem equipped computer. There are two numbers, one 
for 1200 baud connects and one for 2400. In either case the 
communications settings should be E-7-1 with Full Duplex.

	1200 baud	(510)642-7400 
	2400 baud	(510)642-6092

When you are connected, the host asks which resource you wish to use 
[Request:_], respond:
	annex/Carriage Return
press CR again when the connecting prompt appears. It may take several
CR's before the annex terminal information and prompt appear. When 
they do, type telnet melvyl, CR. You are asked to enter your terminal 
type or press ? for a list of codes. When you set up your communications 
software, you are usually given the option of which terminal emulation to 
use. A good choice for MELVYL is VT100. When you have entered your 
terminal type and pressed CR you will get the MELVYL opening screen. The 
key commands you need to know are:

 f for find something in the catalog
 ti for an exact title
 tw for a word in a title
 pa for a personal author
 ca for a corporate author
 su for a subject heading
 d for display the results of a search

So for the AMA directory...


This produced a warning that it would be a long search because a common 
word (directory) was included.


You can copy your genealogical records on microfilm by using a 35mm SLR 
camera. Have the film developed for use in a microfilm recorder. Use 
Kodak Tri-X Pan film, 36 exposure, ISO 400. When you have it developed, 
specify return of the roll uncut. (Santa Clara Co Hist & Gen Soc NL V 37 
#3, p21, Oct '94)


The New Mexico Genealogical Society has filed a Temporary Restraining 
Order against Thomas D. Martinez of California. Martinez is selling 
Santa Fe Baptisms 1747-1848, Santa Cruz de la Canada Baptisms 1710-1854 
and San Jan de Los Caballeros Baptisms 1726-1870, The NMGS states that 
he is disseminating inaccurate and/or unsupported information upon which 
the general public may mistakenly rely in conducting research. The 
Archdiocese of Santa Fe gave the NMGS, and only the NMGS, exclusive 
rights to extract the material from the sacramental registers and publish 
it. Mr. Martinez has been requested by both the Archdiocese of Santa Fe 
and by NMGS to cease publication. Please write to NMGS at PO Box 8283, 
Albuquerque, NM 87198-8283 if you have purchased any of these books. 
(Orange Co. CA GS Nwsltr, 28:7,p.2) 

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