Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society
Useful Genealogy Internet Links
Click on one of the topics below
to access helpful and informative internet sites
related to the world of genealogy.
Please report broken links and errors to
the Webmaster
- Amazon.com
On-Line Bookstore
- Search by author, title, and subject. Check lists of best
sellers and reviews in many sources. Includes Bibliofind to provide
searches for rare and out-of-print books.
- Bookfinder.com
- A site that searches over 40,000 booksellers for new, used,
rare and out-of-print books
- Barnes
and Noble
- Another large on-line bookstore with many features.
- The Big
- A service of BookSearch Inc., finds the rare and
out-of-print book using a private database of titles, plus contacts at
bookstores and dealers of rare and out-of-print books. It also inspects
found items, places them in archival-quality protective jackets, wraps
them in kraft paper, and mails them to you.
- ABookSearch.com
- The "Old & Rare Bookstore" of Monterey is on-line,
will search for antique volumes as well as appraise collections,
libraries, or single books.
- Mines
Road Books
- Located in Fremont, specializes in local history.
Return to Contents
- CalendarHome.com
- Many calendar features available at this site: 10,000 year
calendar; year-at-a-glance; calculator for number of years, months, and
days between two dates; converter between two types of calendars;
printable perpetual calendars; and more.
- Perpetual
- Simple monthly calendar calculator.
- Time
and Date.com
- Features include current calendars; customizable calendars;
date finder; days calculator; and more.
- Date
- From MyTrees.com. Calculates birth dates from death dates,
converts dates in several different calendars.
Return to Contents
- Hoaxbusters
- The official government listing of virus hoaxes.
- Virus Encyclopedia
- The Symantec AntiVirus Research Center's comprehensive
guide to viruses and hoaxes.
- Home
Firewall Guide
- "Every computer with an always-on broadband connection
(cable, DSL) to the Internet should use anti-virus and personal
firewall software for protection from hackers and script kiddies."
(Henry Stephen Markus, Seattle, Washington)
- Norton
Anti-Virus Software
- Norton has anti-virus software, as well as Internet
security software.
- McAfee
Anti-Virus Software
- McAfee is the second biggest anti-virus software company.
Their software is sometimes bundled with new computers.
- Steve
Gibson's Security Test Site
- Here you can find some free tools for testing your
computer's security.
Return to Contents
- Currency
- This includes an interactive calculator which allows you to
scroll and select the both currency being converted and the currency
into which its being converted. This is the most recent day's
conversion. It is very comprehensive.
- Currency converter
- Another choice to compare rates.
- International
Currency Express, Inc.
- When you need to send money to foreign countries, you can
order a "bank draft" on-line.
- International
Currency Exchange
- An alternate site when you need to send money to foreign countries, you can
order a "bank draft" on-line.
- Inflation
- What would your grandfather's estate be worth in today's
Return to Contents
- Ellis
Island Database
- Database of immigrants who came through Ellis Island, New
York, from 1892 to 1924.
- Ellis Island Database in One Step
- Search the Ellis Island database in one step - Steve Morse.
- Civil
War Soldiers and Sailors System
- A database being developed in partnership by the National
Park Service, Genealogical Society of Utah, the Federation of
Genealogical Societies and others to contain records of every soldier
and sailor known to have served in the Civil War on either side.
- Bureau
of Land Management General Land Office Records
- The U. S. Department of the Interior includes the Bureau of
Land Management, which has an excellent database. Updated web site is
easier to use. Includes images of title records issued
between 1820 and 1908.
- FamilySearch.org
- This web site is being upgraded constantly and is completely free. You may search historical records of many types from many countries, family trees and
the Family History Library catalog.
- My Heritage.com
- This is a popular family network on the web. You can search various records from one search page and records are added almost daily.
- Obituary
Daily Times
- An index to over 8.2 million obituaries with 2500 more
added every day. Primarily for deaths since 1995. The search engine
will find any word in the index, for example, "Pleasanton."
- The
Tombstone Transcription Project
- A nationwide effort, hosted by RootsWeb, to document
tombstone surveys. The Alameda County page has links to all seven of
the L-AGS gravestone inventories.
Return to Contents
- Ancestry
World Tree
- This site "contains more than 200 million names in family
trees submitted by our users." You can contribute your family tree,
- FamilySearch.org
Family Tree Files
- Completely free, create an account and start searching other family trees and build your own.
- My Heritage.com
- Download their free software to create your own family tree or do it online.
- WorldConnect
- This site has "more than 239 million names on file." You
can submit your family tree here also.
- Misbach Enterprises
- You can download blank pedigree charts
Return to Contents
- Avotaynu
- From the publisher of works on Jewish genealogy, this site
includes information about their journal, books and microfiche
available, the Consolidated Jewish Surname Index, and links to other
Jewish genealogical sites.
- Federation of
East European Family History Societies
- Includes information and links to societies and newsgroups
interested in Eastern Europe genealogy and family history.
- German
Genealogy Home Page
- Includes beginner's tips, general help, regional research,
German emigration to America, and a collection of other links.
- World
GenWeb Project
- Similar to the US GenWeb Project, except that it is based
on geographical regions and countries of the world.
Return to Contents
- San Francisco Bay Area
- These are links to genealogical societies in the San
Francisco Bay Area and even some from the Sacramento area. Many of them
post their activities schedules on their Web pages. By checking these
links regularly, L-AGS members may find events they want to attend.
- California
State Genealogical Alliance -
- Serves as a statewide association of independent
genealogical societies, individual, and non-profit organizations to
further genealogical endeavors throughout the state.
- California
Genealogical Society -
- Statewide, based in Oakland
- Contra
Costa County Genealogical Society -
- Concord
- East
Bay Genealogical Society -
- Oakland
- Genealogy
Society of Vallejo-Benicia -
- Vallejo
- Hayward
Area Genealogical Society -
- Hayward
Macintosh Genealogy Group -
- Computer interest group for Mac users
- Marin
County Genealogical Society -
- San Rafael
- Monterey
County Genealogy Society -
- Seaside
- Napa
Valley Genealogical & Biographical Society -
- Napa
- Placer
County Genealogical Society -
- Auburn
- Roseville
Genealogical Society -
- Roseville
- Sacramento
Genealogy Society -
- Citrus Heights
- Sacramento
German Genealogical Society -
- Sacramento
- Genealogical
Association of Sacramento (G.A.S.) -
- Sacramento
- Greater Sacramento
African American Genealogy Society -
- Sacramento
- San
Joaquin County Genealogical Society -
- Stockton
- San Mateo
County Genealogical Society -
- San Mateo
- San Ramon
Valley Genealogical Society -
- San Ramon
- Santa Clara
County Historical & Genealogical Society -
- Santa Clara
- Silicon Valley
Computer Genealogy Group -
- Santa Clara
- Solano
County Genealogical Society -
- Fairfield
- Sonoma County
Genealogical Society -
- Santa Rosa
- Tracy
Area Genealogical Society -
- Tracy
- National
- These are links to national genealogical societies.
- Federation of
Genealogical Societies
- National
Genealogical Society
- New
England Historical and Genealogical Society
Return to Contents
- SFGenealogy.com
- A site with links to other sites which provide genealogy and history databases for the San Francisco Bay Area
- Cyndi's
- Excellent place for finding sources of information. Well
organized by subject and locality.
- RootsWeb
- This site contains the largest database of surnames on the
web, along with lots of other genealogical information.
- U.S. GenWeb
- This project is an excellent effort to have
genealogy-related information from every county in the United States on
the web. The web sites are compiled by volunteers, and much of the
country is covered.
- Genealogy.com
- Many links to information for researchers, from beginners
to experts. Includes a subscription to many databases they have put
- Ancestry.Com
- Another site that has information for researchers. Includes
many databases, some available for free, some available by subscription.
- The
Steve Morse Website
- Steve Morse has developed enhanced search forms for the
Ellis Island Database, the 1930 U.S. Census, the 1930 Census
Enumeration Districts, and more.
- Genealogy
Home Page
- Comprehensive guide to genealogy resources on the Internet.
Includes a page listing most of the genealogy newsgroups with links to
their FAQs.
- Treasure
- The how-to genealogy site. Includes tutorials on the U.S.
Census and the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, and links to
commercial sites.
- MyTrees.com
- Includes pedigree-linked database, on-line genealogy
program, and searchable databases. Must register and subscribe to view
Return to Contents
- Daughters of the
American Revolution
- Any woman is eligible for membership who is no less than
eighteen years of age and can prove lineal, blood line descent from an
ancestor who aided in achieving American independence.
- General
Society of Mayflower Descendants
- Any person able to document their descent from one or more
of the Mayflower Pilgrims is eligible to apply for membership in the
Mayflower Society.
- Sons of the
American Revolution
- You must have an ancestor who supported the cause of
American Independence during the years 1774-1783.
Return to Contents
- California
Historical Society
- The state's official historical society.
- Hayward
Area Historical Society
- Sharing the history of Castro Valley, Hayward and San
- Livermore
Heritage Guild
- Our local history repository in the old Carnegie Library
Building. Contains history and lore of the Livermore Valley.
- The
Museum on Main
- The museum in downtown Pleasanton, managed by the
Amador-Livermore Valley Historical Society, containing archives of
historical documents and artifacts.
- The
Dublin History Center
- A large and expanding historical site containing St.
Raymond's Church, built in 1859 as the first house of worship in the
Tri-Valley, the Pioneer Cemetery, old Murray Schoolhouse, and the Kolb
Ranch buildings that were recently moved to the premises. Archives of
documents and artifacts are available.
Return to Contents
- Pleasanton
Public Library
- Online catalog for the Pleasanton Library. The catalog
includes the L-AGS holdings.
Family History Library in Salt Lake City
- Search the catalog by Locality, Surname, Call Number, or
- Library
of Congress Home Page
- Has loads of historical information, archives of
manuscripts, and you can search the catalog on-line.
- National
- Repository of many types of records. Order search forms
- Melvyl
- This site accesses the University of California library
system, including Sutro Library, but it is easier to use the link below
to go directly to Sutro.
- Alameda
County Library
- Online catalog for branches of the Alameda County Library
- Livermore
Public Library
- Livermore Library has microfilm of the local newspapers
back to the 1890s. Online catalog is available via a link in the
drop-down box at the top right of the page.
- Historical
Genealogy Department of the Allen County Public Library
- Source of PERSI, the Periodical Source Index - an index of
their collection of North American historical and genealogical
periodicals. This site includes entry to their catalog.
- California State Library - Sutro
- From this site you can search just the Sutro holdings or all of the other branches of the California State Library.
Return to Contents
- Tesla
Coal Mines
- A description and information about the Tesla area of
eastern Alameda County, California.
- Local
History on eLivermore.com
- Livermore, Pleasanton and Tri-Valley history. Includes
Historical Photos; Historical Publications; History Timeline; People in
Local History, History on the Web; and Historical Buildings and Sites.
- Tri-Valley
History Council
- The Tri-Valley History Council is a network of local
history centers, historic sites, libraries, museums and genealogical
societies whose fields of interest include the eastern part of Alameda
County and the southeastern part of Contra Costa County, California.
- Tri-Valley
Directory of Historical Resources and Places of Interest
- A comprehensive description of historical sites and
history-oriented organizations in the Tri-Valley, created in 2011 by
Terry Lee Berry for the Tri-Valley History Council.
Return to Contents
- Mapquest!
- Interactive site finds places and gives driving directions.
For the U.S. and foreign countries.
- Live Search
Maps - Microsoft
- An outstanding global mapping with 3D viewing, etc.
- Google Maps
- A good map program by Google
- Google
- Satellite images and mapping by Google
- The Gold Bug
- Located in Alamo, provides historical information and
software for genealogical research, academic study, or just to satisfy
your curiosity. Includes geographical and map related links.
- Animated
Atlas.com - Growth of a Nation
- This is a ten minute movie which depicts the geographic
history of the United States from the beginning of the nation to fifty
states. Geographic elements are interactive, as is the timeline.
Includes a time line of U. S. History.
- 1895
Atlas of the United States
- Scroll down to find the state of your interest, then choose
"State Map" or "County Maps." If you don't know the county, use the
"Index to Data" link. Great resource of colorful maps to add
interest to your genealogy book.
- U.S. Geological Survey - Mapping
- Maintained by the U.S. Geological Survey, this site houses
the Geographic Names Information - put a name into the search engine
and it will return information about that place, including the latitude
and longitude and the callout of the USGS map on which the name
appears. You can then link to a map to pinpoint the location. Other
information available here are Educational Resources and the National
Mapping Program as well as links to geologic, water, and biological
- Color
Land Form Atlas of the United States
- An interesting site showing the landforms of a particular
state. County lines can be added. Slow to load the images.
- Enter a place name and this site will return a short
description, a link to a map site where you can then customize the map
to show the routes, boundaries, towns, etc.
- Using
Maps in Genealogy
- This is a reprint of a pamphlet from the USGS detailing how
maps can help in genealogy research.
- Using
Maps in Genealogy Wiki
- Familysearch Wiki on maps, discusses online maps, how maps help in research. accessing maps, types of maps, and helpful technology.
- TopoZone -
The Web's Topographic Map
- Topographic maps down to scales of 25,000:1 for the entire
- Worldwide
Directory of Cities and Towns
- Almost 3 million names from every corner of the world.
- NGA GEOnet Names Server (GNS)
- Database of named features (not just towns) on foreign
maps. Maintained by US military.
Return to Contents
- U.S. Postal
rates and Zip Code Finder
- Includes rates for mailing to other countries as well as
within the United States. Find a Zip Code and other services offered by
the US Postal Service.
Return to Contents
- Ancestry
- Under the "Learning Center" tab, you can search articles in
Ancestry Magazine, Genealogical Computing, columns by noted
genealogists and research tips from fellow researchers.
- Family
Tree Magazine
- Friendly genealogy magazine and web site. Includes
articles, how-to's, bookstore and more.
- Newspaper
- Find a newspaper currently being published in any locality
- City
Directories of the United States of America
- This site will answer these questions: does a directory
exist for a locality? If it does, where can it be found?
- The
- Weekly Livermore newspaper published every Thursday.
- The
Tri-Valley Herald
- Daily newspaper covering the Livermore, Amador and San
Ramon Valleys, and increasingly, the nearby cities of the Central
- The
Valley Times
- Daily newspaper covering the Livermore, Amador and San
Ramon Valleys.
- California Digital Newspaper Collection
- The California Digital Newspaper Collection contains over 600,000 pages of significant historical California newspapers published from 1846-1922, including the first California newspaper, the Californian, and the first daily California newspaper, the Daily Alta California. It also includes early editions of the Livermore Herald.
Return to Contents
Search engines allow you to find web sites. Each searches
different groups of sites and each searches in a different
General Search Engines
- Google
- A fast search engine that finds often-cited links. Google Search provides many different options for customized
search, using symbols to include, exclude, specify or require certain
search behavior, and offers specialized interactive experiences, such as
flight status and package tracking, weather forecasts, currency, unit
and time conversions, word definitions, and more.
- Bing
- Bing is a search engine developed by Microsoft. It provides a standard
web search, as well as specialized searches for images, videos,
shopping, news, maps, and other categories.
- MetaCrawler
- This site allows you to look through several of the search
engines at the same time. You can easily limit your
searches by entering your topic and then choosing "a phrase," "all of
these words," or "any of these words."
- Yahoo!
- It is set up with clearly branching subject indexes. You
can search within a subject or in all of Yahoo.
- Lycos
- Relevancy rankings often locate sites not listed by other
search engines.
- HotBot
- Great for finding people with web pages or in web pages.
- WebCrawler
- Another searching option that searches Google, Live Search,
Yahoo, and Ask.com.
- KartOO.com
- "KartOO is a metasearch engine
with visual display interfaces. When you click on OK, KartOO launches
the query to a set of search engines, gathers the results, compiles
them and represents them in a series of interactive maps through a
proprietary algorithm. KartOO uses FlashPlayer
to draw interactive maps." Very interesting representation of search
results - try it, you may like it.
Genealogy Search
- FamilySearch
Family History Web Sites
- From the FamilySearch.org web site, enter search terms and
choose types of sites to search for.
- Genealogy.com
Site Search
- Finds sites with keywords such as names and types of
- MultiGen
- Search multiple genealogical databases from this one site. --Multigen link broken--
Return to Contents
- GenSoftReviews.com
- An interactive list of genealogy related programs and web
sites. Users can aadd their own reviews of software and web sites.
- Ancestral
Quest by Incline Software.
- Brother's
Keeper for Windows by John Steed.
- Family
Tree Maker by Ancestry.com.
- Legacy
Family Tree by Millennia Corp. Basic program is a free
download. Also has Deluxe Version.
- The
Master Genealogist by Wholly Genes.
- Personal
Ancestral File by the LDS Church.
- Reunion
by Leister Productions for the Macintosh.
- RootsMagic
by RootsMagic, Inc.
Return to Contents
- Soundex
Indexing System
- An explanation of Soundex coding from the National Archives
- Soundex
- If your genealogy program does not have a soundex
converter, here is an easy to use converter from RootsWeb.
- Yet
Another Soundex Converter
- This site can convert entire lists of surnames all at once.
- Soundexing
and Genealogy
- Gary Mokotoff's article on soundexing includes the history
and his proposed modifications.
Return to Contents
- SurnameHelper
- From RootsWeb, enter a surname to search for in several
- Search Your
Surname in the USA
- This is another site which displays the distribution of a
surname in the U.S. It uses phone books for its database.
Return to Contents
- Superpages.com
- An online resource for
finding information on businesses and retailers. Includes driving
directions, hours of operation, Web links and customer reviews.
- Go Toll Free
- The Internet 800 directory.
- Yahoo!
People Search
- Find business or individual e-mail, white page and yellow
page information. Also reverse look-up search.
- WhoWhere?
- Search for people and businesses.
- AnyWho
- From AT&T. Search Yellow Pages, White Pages and
Reverse Lookup.
Return to Contents
- United
States Vital Records Information
- Resource for locating vital records in the United States.
- Where
to Write for Vital Records
- From the Centers for Desease Control and Prevention.
- VitalChek
- Order birth certificates, copies of death, marriage, and
divorce records.
- Social
Security Death Index 1962-Present
- Data on more than 68 million Americans who have died since
- Online
Searchable Death Indexes & Records - A Genealogy Guide
- This website gathers together links to online death indexes
by state and county. Included are death indexes, obituary indexes,
probate indexes and cemetery & burial listings.
- California Vital Records On-line
- California
Birth Records
- California birth index from 1905 to 1995.
- California
Death Records 1905-1939
- Commercially-posted images of state-published microfiche.
- California
Marriage Records 1949-1985
- Source for California marriage records.
- California
Death Records 1940-1997
- 9 million records of deaths in California from 1940 to
1997. RootsWeb database with highly flexible search capability.
Information about individual state's vital records
on-line has been discontinued here due to the increasing number of
states with such information. We suggest you use Cyndi's List for
information about which states have records on-line.
Return to Contents